Whats this weed?


5 year old buck +
What's this weed? South Central Kansas. Greened up early.

Kinda looks like wild lettuce?

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See! I only suggest things because I love for NH to make me feel incompetent…

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Very cool! Thanks guys!
After posting I downloaded an ID app that said the same thing as NH.
I think it's the last one on the list. 😄
Nah, I'm just in agreement.
Wait! Where did this weed come up (plot, fence line, pasture, lawn) and what actions preceded this?

I’m on the road right now, any of you guys that bought that weed book have a reading from it showing the common denominators associated with that weed?

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Wait! Where did this weed come up (plot, fence line, pasture, lawn) and what actions preceded this?

I’m on the road right now, any of you guys that bought that weed book have a reading from it showing the common denominators associated with that weed?

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You know exactly where it came up... disced plot. Likely in the seed bank forever but had no chance to show off before I removed competition. Now you have a couple of questions to ask yourself sd; did I anticipate that you would call out the devil who disced... and do you think that the devil might have have had a plan for this before ever breaking soil into dirt?

You know exactly where it came up... disced plot. Likely in the seed bank forever but had no chance to show off before I removed competition. Now you have a couple of questions to ask yourself sd; did I anticipate that you would call out the devil who disced... and do you think that the devil might have have had a plan for this before ever breaking soil into dirt?


Let’s at least take a moment to appreciate how far the movement has come. I bet there are others looking on as well that also looked back to ask why it happened. Just a few years ago, we’d all jump right to “how do I kill this?” Instead of “Why did this happen?” Makes me so proud. 🥲

I know you’re right there. You get it. I get it. Hell, I’m the thistle whisperer. What is the plan? I figured you had one.

That plant looks like a hell of a subsoiler.

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I dont know if you remember but yeeeeeaars ago I induced a flush of (not sure if I remember right, but I think it was purple headed sneazeweed) native yellow flowers. For a long time I've been playing with the seed bank and different ways to let it express itself. This is just another "let's see what happens" thing.

Granted I didn't predict this plant, but I knew something would pop up. I have zero interest in killing it. This plot had been in TnM almost a decade. It's vigor had slowed. It's time to let someone (apparently a wallflower) to do its job and re-invigorate it. Figure my mixes had a key missing. No need to fight things, just give the needed plant an opportunity to fix things for me. So whatever is missing is what called the wallflowers. If something else was missing it would have been a different plant. But, there would have been something.
Spreading wall flower first started in 1978 at our middle school dance. They don’t do those anymore. But that’s where it came from.
Hey what weed book is the one you are talking about? Is it When Weeds Talk?
Hey what weed book is the one you are talking about? Is it When Weeds Talk?

Not 100% sure but that one is likely. I use the internet often.