What would be the best thing to plant on my trails

In this case the price would be a wash. 10lbs/ac @ $4 vs 20lbs/ac @ $2. You would be putting on either half as much at twice the cost or twice as much at half the cost, either way it is $4/ac. You might have to up the rate slightly if you broadcast instead of drill the Lacrosse mix, but it wouldn't be that much. They only thing that is different between the 2 mixes is that the Logger's mix has way more grasses, they both have white Dutch and Alsike clover, red fescue, and perennial ryegrass. The BFT will tolerate moist, acid soils and stands up well to grazing traffic, not totally sure about wheel traffic, but if it withstands repeated trampling by cows, that is a pretty good test.

The seeding rates are about the same if broadcasted.

Trail Mixture:
  • 30% White Dutch Clover
  • 30%Boost Perennial Ryegrass
  • 15% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 05% Alsike Clover
  • 20% Creeping Red Fescue
Trail mixture was developed to provide excellent forage feed for deer in the Spring, Summer and Fall. This mixture was designed to perform well under a wide range of growing and soil conditions in the upper mid-west. Trail mixture can be planted in areas ranging from full sun to more heavily shaded areas such as logging roads and trails located directly in the woods.
Seeding Rate – 10 lbs./Acre Drilled; 15-20 lbs./Acre Broadcast
If you had to up the rate that much, then that would be the deal breaker.;)
If you had to up the rate that much, then that would be the deal breaker.;)

Agreed. Thanks. Plus I like the idea of more grasses for the intended purpose. Sure it isn't going to be sexy. But it will be effective.
Fawn Tall Fescue costs $1.25lb, And I think Creeping Red Fescue costs $1.50lb. I would just buy them 2 and broadcast since that is 60% of your mix. They will choke out everything else anyways in 2 years.
Fawn Tall Fescue costs $1.25lb, And I think Creeping Red Fescue costs $1.50lb. I would just buy them 2 and broadcast since that is 60% of your mix. They will choke out everything else anyways in 2 years.

Good idea. So just forget the clover?
Good idea. So just forget the clover?

Med Red will volunteer in naturally. The white will be gone in a couple years anyways at that low rate. And if you don't need the feed on the trails, why waste the money in my book.
Do you sell those seeds MO?
Do you sell those seeds MO?

The place you are getting the mix from does, don't they? They close to you?

Otherwise, yes we sell everything. Fescue's from lacrosse only come in 50lb bags however.
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The place you are getting the mix from does, don't they? They close to you?

I'll have to ask. Thanks
If your going straight grass, that will work just fine. Did you get a price? It looks like you really have to use a lot of that seed per the rates on the webpage, 6-8lbs per 1,000 sq ft?!?:eek: If my math is correct that is right in the range of 300# per acre!:eek: I hope that stuff is cheeeeeeeaapppppp if you have to use that seeding rate!
I did not check the price. But glad MO did! hahahaha.

Next!!! :)
I did not check the price. But glad MO did! hahahaha.

Next!!! :)

They sell that to golf courses....because they have money! LOL

The neighbor up the road bought a dozer this year. Came in and took out the ruts and regarded and crowned it. I will be seeding it this weekend. Here are two pictures he sent me. Looks good!

He only charges me $50/hour and had the entire front 40 and and a portion of the back 40 done in 3 hours. Well worth it.


Those look really good. Time to get them seeded before it rains! You should have a nice green cover before winter.
Those look really good. Time to get them seeded before it rains! You should have a nice green cover before winter.

I'm sure he sent me pictures of the really good parts. I'm curious how some of those really wet spots look. . Even if they don't look great it doesn't matter to me. It is a huge improvement. I am planning on not driving on them at all this year anymore. Guess that is part of the new fitness plan!
Nothing better than a good neighbor with a dozer. Trails look good.
Looks good. Wish I had a neighbor with a Dozer.
I'd do clover and rye on that road. You won't have any problems having a cool season grass like fescue move in naturally.