What would be my best option to plant in spring?

  • Thread starter Thread starter BJE80
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Ogema has it right there! I only suggested waiting on the rye, because it will still do it's job planted later and provides extra "space" for the brassicas to grow without as much competition for moisture from both clover and rye. The proof is in the pudding, and Ogema has brought some to the party! LOl
image.jpg It works well, the swamp is behind the tower you see at the end of it. I have another plot that connects to the long one where I typically bow hunt out of. I can see the long strip and deer come out of the swamp eary to eat all the time. The plot that connects is clover, chicory, rye, and a few brassicas. The pics of this plot connect to the long one. You can see the pic above, a trail directly to the left of my stand is the start of the long brassica strip.
Hope that made sense lol!
By the way. I used to own land on Johnson Ave. just to the west of Hwy 13 on the Tayor county/Price County Boarder. Used to eat fish fries at Kempers Corners all the time in WestBoro. Great Walleye
I've been there, I am about two miles north off of Linden Rd. Linden Rd goes east off of 13 and HWY I goes to the west.
I've been there, I am about two miles north off of Linden Rd. Linden Rd goes east off of 13 and HWY I goes to the west.
How are the deer populations now? I sold my land over 10 years ago up there.
They are good in my immediate area, but from what I've heard they are way down everywhere else up there. My immediate area seems to hold deer, we have a lot of hayfields to feed the deer plus my food plots draw them in. Also most of the neighbors show trigger control. This will be year 3 that I've had the property and it keeps improving. Going to do some major hinge cutting this year and I have a logger coming next week to look at clear cutting around 15-20 acres. If he can do it this winter, I'll be putting in a couple thousand Norway spruce. I've had good bucks every year on camera and have seen several, just haven't connected yet with a big boy. Shot a 8 pointer this year and last year.
I really enjoy the area plus the wife and kids love it. We just built our cabin this year. I like having deer, bear, grouse, and turkey all out the back door. Haven't had any wolves yet in the immediate area. My one neighbor raises beef cattle and along with the rest of the neighbors they would not be tolerated. My kind of people!
Well, I am going to plan on putting down red clover in spring. Then see how it does and go from there.

So, for fall. Excatly what should I mix into my brassicas and what kind of seed rates? Clover with the Brassicas and then Rye when bulbs start forming?
I would frost seed a medium red clover at about 8-10lbs/ac this spring. For your July "brassica" planting, I would use the LC brassica mix at the full rate that Paul recommended. Not being sure what "brassicas" you are using, that would be; 3# purple top turnips, 2# dwarf Essex rape, and 5# groundhog forage radish per acre. Depending on how your spring clover is doing and if you want to put down some extra clover, I would look into getting some alsike clover(it will handle your wet spring ground better than the other types) and putting that down at about 5#/ac. For the rye, you shouldn't have to go too heavy, use 1 bag(56#) per acre. As I said, you can put that down along with everything else like Ogema is doing, or wait a while to see how the plot is looking before you broadcast the rye.
I have been following the LC mix with my brassicas. The LC cereal grains were doing OK at best in attracking deer as discussed in the other thread. When I had clover in this plot I did a mix of ladino and aslike for the reasons you state.
The only reason I plant the rye so early is I want maximum growth. The last two winters have been severe and I want as much food as possible out there.
My deer are nice and fat going into this winter. Look at the two does up on there hind legs. They are definitely not hurting for food. These are from the food plot above.
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
I have been following the LC mix with my brassicas. The LC cereal grains were doing OK at best in attracking deer as discussed in the other thread. When I had clover in this plot I did a mix of ladino and aslike for the reasons you state.
It sounds like you are pretty close with what your doing anyway BJE, the only thing you aren't doing is putting all the seed down together. If the ladino/alsike did well there, I would continue to use that mix as well, just to add to the diversity to prevent failure of one of the clover types. And as Ogema stated, as far north as your land is, getting that rye in early will only benefit you as the season goes on.
You guys have been very helpful. Thanks.
"wisc he is only about 10 miles at most from me "

Speaking of which. When are you coming for a land tour?

We will have to get together this spring. When it gets closer , let me know when you will be up. We can do a tour of mine then too.