5 year old buck +
Camp in NC Pa. zone 5 / 6 border, an old farmstead with long-existing fields. Soil tests done, lime etc. Plenty of sun, hilltop locations.
What seed mixes work well together? I see on here guys plant mixes such as oats, clover, turnips, & chicory .............. or turnips, radishes, some rye grain, and some clover ............. or AWP, clover, oats, rye, etc.
I know about "nurse crops" like rye or oats for clover - but the only "mix" we've planted is Welter's "Big Buck Brassica Mix" (which is Dwarf Essex rape, PTT, GHR, and Pasja hybrid forage brassica.) What are some other seed mixes that would do well in a mountaintop, old farmstead location - that make good companion plants.
I also don't know what seeding rates would be needed for each seed variety so one seed doesn't overpower the others. Thanks in advance for any / all replies!!
What seed mixes work well together? I see on here guys plant mixes such as oats, clover, turnips, & chicory .............. or turnips, radishes, some rye grain, and some clover ............. or AWP, clover, oats, rye, etc.
I know about "nurse crops" like rye or oats for clover - but the only "mix" we've planted is Welter's "Big Buck Brassica Mix" (which is Dwarf Essex rape, PTT, GHR, and Pasja hybrid forage brassica.) What are some other seed mixes that would do well in a mountaintop, old farmstead location - that make good companion plants.
I also don't know what seeding rates would be needed for each seed variety so one seed doesn't overpower the others. Thanks in advance for any / all replies!!