What is this fox after..


5 year old buck +
Cat...coon..? Fox ends up giving up and leaving.

This next one has a meal...

I doubt if a fox would mess with a coon. My guess would be a small possum.
Yeah I know coyote's aren't even crazy about going after them. Wish the video's were in color like below but may have been a bit too far away anyway.
my guess is its chasing a flying squirrel up the tree, they are nocturnal animals and have HUGE eye's like in the video!
I have them here in my backyard all the time doing this, NEVER ever seen a ox go after a healthy coon or possum!, here I see the other way, coons are crazy critters NO fear and will chase bears here at times, or steal food out of there mouths, Foxes, run from them here! same with possums, , MOST of my foxes are Red one's
greys come and go, but not as many here!
Interesting...never thought of that as I've never seen one around. They are supposed to be in southern WI though so could very well be what it is. The way it moves and like you say- the eyes, now that I looked at some pics of them. Wonder if that's what the fox has here at the end of the video:
easy way to get pic[s of them is to rub peanut butter on the bark of tree's in your cam's viewing, and if there in the area, they will come for it!
can also dump some bird seeds and such on ground too
if its Not a flying squirrel, I would think something in the weasel family, mink or likes, they can climb tree's and are more the size than a coon or a possum and are nocturnal active as well, and more in line with what a fox can handle(not easy though they can be tuff critters)
That's pretty cool. I'll probably set up a white flash and try what you suggested.