Where did the pics come from? It could be real or it could be shopped. If you look at the first pic there appears to be a flaw on the left side of the tree where the antler passes behind the tree.
Ah the good ol OG buck. This buck made archery talk go crazy for about 2 years. The deer was legit as far as I heard. 2 different antler collectors have his sheds for 2 years. I know Big Game Illustrated did a story on this buck.
If you get really bored and want some reading material, read the thread about this buck. Their are more pictures of this buck throughout the thread. A truly once in a lifetime deer. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=2135056
I don't believe it. That rack looks too fake and perfect. They can't come close to growing anything so perfectly typical and huge in a pen.
The pic was sent to my buddy last night who doesn't bow hunt. I know the guy who's claiming original ownership. I'd call him up now but I'm not that close to have his #.
I personally think bs. I just don't see that rack being physically possible.
The buck is in Ohio. 2 shed collectors have his sheds from 2013 and 2014. I believe they are Matt Beard and Gary Reissmann. This deer is legit boys and girls. I remember something like the buck grossed well over 200 inches typical.
That's because the deer is in Ohio Dipper. And why does this deer look like a pen deer? Because he has a huge typical frame? I'm tired of whenever a deer approaches a world class stage, people instantly say its a pen deer. If that's the case, Dipper maybe your deer are from a pen. I mean your cousin owns a high fence place. Maybe you are hunting inside that fence.
If I was hunting in a pen, my bucks should be a lot bigger than 130-140". I'll take it as a compliment that you are bringing that up.
It very well could b from Ohio, I don't know. If it is wild, it's around world record status. If someone shoots it, good for them.