What did you kill your first deer with for a weapon?

Neat guns. Do you still have it?

No I traded that gun off years ago. I was 16 when I had that rifle. I worked at Savage Arms in Westfield MA. many years ago.
PSE Thunderflight. It was the state record deer that year for the second bow season here in Vermont! 100lb spike! I was the only one to get a deer that year w/ a bow in the December season, so it was the state record! lol
PSE Thunderflight. It was the state record deer that year for the second bow season here in Vermont! 100lb spike! I was the only one to get a deer that year w/ a bow in the December season, so it was the state record! lol
What year was that, Maya?
Don't remember, 20-25 years ago I guess.
Mossberg Maverick I got from Kmart for $110. It was marked down cause it was returned.
What year was that, Maya?
I think my first deer was 46 years ago. First bow kill was about 44 years ago and was a button buck.
I'll never forget my first deer hunt. 55 years ago.....and after begging to go with my dad and uncles.....they finally relented. Blaze orange wasn't "invented" yet. My mom used Rit dye to turn an old sweatshirt red....and my dad gave me an old red cap of his to wear.....and I was "legal".....barely. Long-johns, chopper mittens, and 5 buckle overshoes....and I was ready for the November temps. I had my Winchester Model 12, 16 gauge with foster slugs.

Night before the hunt.....I was awake all night....not a wink of sleep anticipating the big hunting event. Out the door at 4AM and off to my station along the river bottom. Sat in front of a tree and leaned back on it for support.....and after about 15 minutes....fell sound asleep. Startled awake to the sound of a gunshot.....and had a doe in front of me about 30 yards and on the run going away. My uncle shot it from his ground stand about 50 yards away from me. He wondered why I never shot, and he could hold off no longer. :D

I never fired a shot or saw another deer.....but I sure became addicted to deer hunting.
The nights before opening of rifle season were like that for years. Little sleep.

I like those model 12's, but never shot at a deer with one. 16 gauge shot lots of partridge.
First one was with a marlin over and under 20 gauge. I have a 12 gauge 870 smooth bore that I could not hit a sears roebuck catalogue at 40 yards, until I used Brenneke KO slugs.
I think my first deer was 46 years ago. First bow kill was about 44 years ago and was a button buck.
I hunted a little when I was young, then hit high school and hunted girls! Then was a commercial diver in Fla. for years. Did a lot of lobstering and spearfishing to fill my need to hunt. Moved back up to Vt. when I was about 28 and took up deer hunting again. God I miss lobstering though! If I had the option, I'd go lobstering before deer hunting!
About 20 years ago I used a Browning Compound bow to down my first deer. I didn't own a treestand, so I would generally spot and stalk deer or sit a few rows deep in a corn field and wait for one to walk by. A few days into my first bow season I had a basket racked 6 point walk 20 yards from me and I managed to put an arrow behind his shoulder. He ran off with the arrow sticking from his side and I ran home to tell my parents I shot one. I had only left the house 5 minutes earlier, so they weren't sure why I was back so quickly and out of breath. We found the buck piled up about 150 yards from where I shot - I didn't get much penetration and the blood trail consisted of 3 drops of blood. But we found him and I was hooked.
20 ga Remington smooth bore slug. Doe.
Rem. model 721 in .222 cal. Neck shot a 5 pt. Still have the rack on a plaque, - and the gun.
My uncles 7.7mm Jap rifle. I damn near cried when I purchased ammo for that gun. Norma was the only manufacturer back in the 70s. Good shooting gun that my uncle had sporterized?
Model 1891 Argentina 7.65mm Mauser. Also Norma ammo.
54 Chevy. :D