5 year old buck +
I didn't take this picture with the intention of posting it anywhere or trying to find out what this stuff is, so no close ups. I simply took it to remind me of the spot.
It's a "Greenus junkus growaloticus" , NY Catskill mountains weeds
I ran across the one spot in the woods where something was green and growing, decided "it's in the general area I want to be in, this is a good spot to start a mini kill plot, it's already getting a little sun, and it has a couple good trees for bow stands." This is where I "drill and fill" killed (hopefully) some trees to start opening it up a bit more. First to light, eventually remove some of the trees themselves as time allows.
Original thought was it didn't matter what it was, I was going to kill it anyway. But there's another small section adjacent to it that I'll probably leave alone, at least for this year for sure. So mostly out of curiosity. It's ankle deep stuff, you can see a grass patch for scale.

It's a "Greenus junkus growaloticus" , NY Catskill mountains weeds

I ran across the one spot in the woods where something was green and growing, decided "it's in the general area I want to be in, this is a good spot to start a mini kill plot, it's already getting a little sun, and it has a couple good trees for bow stands." This is where I "drill and fill" killed (hopefully) some trees to start opening it up a bit more. First to light, eventually remove some of the trees themselves as time allows.
Original thought was it didn't matter what it was, I was going to kill it anyway. But there's another small section adjacent to it that I'll probably leave alone, at least for this year for sure. So mostly out of curiosity. It's ankle deep stuff, you can see a grass patch for scale.