Weed ID?


5 year old buck +
Last week we were talking about the prospect of my mystery grass being sedge. I snapped a couple picks. Any idea what this is?

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photo 4.JPG
They seemed flat bladed to me.
The silver lining to all this is that I had to hunt down that pure patch of whatever that is we're looking at. Our property looks like a jungle due to all the rain. The sheer diversity of what I sprayed makes me very optimistic about a successful burndown. I had enough seed and fertilizer to do a 1/5 of an acre of plot. The brush and ferns grew like none other this year. It was so tall where I wanted to plant that I didn't dare try spraying above my head with the wind I had. I still ended up with a 6000 sq ft plot.

The heat and ticks were also another reason I didn't do more. When I took off my spraying gloves, I dumped a half a cup of sweat out of each one, and swatted about two dozen ticks off me.
The silver lining to all this is that I had to hunt down that pure patch of whatever that is we're looking at. Our property looks like a jungle due to all the rain. The sheer diversity of what I sprayed makes me very optimistic about a successful burndown. I had enough seed and fertilizer to do a 1/5 of an acre of plot. The brush and ferns grew like none other this year. It was so tall where I wanted to plant that I didn't dare try spraying above my head with the wind I had. I still ended up with a 6000 sq ft plot.

The heat and ticks were also another reason I didn't do more. When I took off my spraying gloves, I dumped a half a cup of sweat out of each one, and swatted about two dozen ticks off me.

Anaplas and lymes are big problems in that country. Do a thorough tick check.

Quite a few years back, I tried to burn down some ferns with roundup. I don't think I ever got a total kill.

All of the lush growth should provide lots of natural feed.

Can you get us some pictures?
I'm kicking around heading back up in a couple weeks to check on it. I'm concerned about ground clutter and seed to soil contact. If it's not coming like it should, I may overseed it one more time, as well as spot spray any stragglers that didn't get a good burn. What I should do is get my hands on some sedgehammer and 2-4D in the meantime to mix in with the gly.

I would have gotten more pics this weekend, but by the time I was done hauling it all in and back out by hand I was shot.