Water Roller or Chain Link Fence


Yearling... With promise
I have always planted brassica mix and rolled it with a 3 ft water roller but I have an old dog fence that I am thinking about making into a drag. I know a cultipacker is probably the best way to bury seed but just seeing what everyone else prefers?

Also, if I want to plant peas of some sort that require planting depth to be a little more than smaller seeds, would it be best to till, broadcast pea seed, roll then plant the smaller seeds and drag? Or would you recommend planting larger seed first, drag, plant smaller seed then roll? Or just plant all at once and drag or roll?
I would personally plant the larger seeds, pack that in, then spread the smaller seeds on top, then go back and pack them in.
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As for the roller, or the chain link fence, if you have a roller, use it.
I don't do either. If you can get a real good seed bed (I prefer to use a tiller) simply broadcast smaller seed and be done, the rain will do the rest. Larger seed I simply pack into the soft soil with my tractor tires. I have not had much luck with a drag in covering large seed and a roller tends to not flex enough in my case and it only packs the higher areas it comes in contact with. I have even turned my kids loose with the riding lawn mower in a plot to pack seed. I also like using a planter to plant larger seed first and then broadcast smaller seed over the top as well. Chain link is good because it flexes and your plot doesn't have to be perfectly flat.

Use what you have to work with, just remember that the larger the seed the further into the soil it should be planted for best results. At times I think the only dirt you need over the larger seed is to hide it from the birds!