I am kind of stuck in limbo, and I am looking for advice for next year, and beyond. One of my food plots is about 3/4 of an acre, it is well placed and I have had a lot of draw to the food plot. About 4 years ago I decided I wanted to add a few apple trees to the food plot, well that got out of hand, and now I have 15 apple trees planted in this 3/4 acre "food plot" with a few of the trees this year having fruit, and expecting about 10 next year to have fruit. I have been planting my food plot as normal with radish, turnips, and this year I added sugar beets in as well, then I also add winter rye, and oats in the plot to fill in the eaten, and thin spots on Labor Day. The brassicas have always been a big draw year around. My problem will be a growing issue yearly, as the trees grow, they are taking over my food plot, and I am getting just a couple narrow rows to plant in. I am sure I have a couple more years to plant brassicas in, before they completely block the sun from the food plot, but I am thinking about long term, what do I plant in with the apple trees? I want something that will still attract them, something that will be easily maintained for weeds, because I dont want to have to spray around them much.
I was thinking clover, but I already have almost an acre of clover. But I can terminate that plot, and plant something else.
I could continue to try brassicas and see how well they grow with limited sun.
Or will the apple trees be a decent enough draw all on their own, and nothing else will be needed?
What do you guys plant in your apple orchards for a draw?
I don't really hunt over the plot, I hunt a couple trails to the plot, my stand is about 30 yards back, and I do have a visual over the plot, and if there is a worthy deer in the plot, I dont hesitate on taking it. I am just concerned that if I halt the food plot, and only leave it with apples, the trails, and the plot wont be worth hunting anymore, and I just built a rather nice enclosed hunting stand, that I really like.