Wallace Woodstock Nursery Neillsville WI


5 year old buck +
Has anyone ever bought apple trees from them? If so how did they work out for you? Thanks
Yes, I bought a Chesnut Crab from them a week ago, & planted it last Sunday. Tree came in great shape and wrapped very well.
I am ordering from this this week. Tony just sent me an email. WEbsite is NOT up to date. but they have stock.
I would love to see what their trees look like, anyone have any pics ?
I bought 8 apple trees from them last year. They looked good and are still living. I'll take some pics next week when I am at the property. I bought there deer hunter special which is various trees for my zone with different drop times supposedly. They are my first go at apple trees.
I bought all my Norway spruce from them this year and they also looked great. Got them all in the ground last weekend.
I found some pics from when I planted last year. How do I upload a pic. It keeps telling me file is to big.
Used photo bucket. This was May 3 rd last year on my property in Price County.
I bought a number of different trees/bushes from them over a two year period (apples, butternut, hazelnut, hickory, blue berries, crabs). My experience is the root development was much less than various other sources I have purchased from, like Cummins, MDC, County tree purchase programs, and Cold Stream.
They were bigger trees, I upgrade to that size. Wanted a jump start.
They were bigger trees, I upgrade to that size. Wanted a jump start.
Potted or bareroot? Cost? I'm close enough that I could pickup my order if I decide to make one at some point.
Bare root. I think I paid around $25 -$30 a tree.
Thanks, I was suprised to see so many branches. I'm new to the fruit tree market and most of the bareroot stuff I've seen is basically a whip or cut off trunk with no branches.
Can't speak to the quality of their trees, but I did tour their nursery the year it opened or the year after when I was in Forestry class in high school 25+ years ago. LOL, not that that helps the OP answer their question at all.
Good looking trees. What rootstock are they on?
I'm going to have to stop in and check them out, they are only an hour from me.
Good looking trees. What rootstock are they on?
This is from their web site.

There are many different rootstocks used for the grafting of fruit trees trees. The primary purpose of rootstocks is to control the size of the tree and to stimulate fruiting more rapidly. The subject of rootstocks for various fruit trees is generally too technical and truthfully not significant for the general consumer. To simplify the issue, Dwarf trees grow to a height of 8-12’, Semi-Dwarf, 12-18’ and Standards 18-30”. Additionally, the fruiting period for Dwarf trees is 1-3 yrs., Semi-Dwarf 3-5 yrs., Grafted Standards 5-7 yrs. and Standard trees grown from seed may take 10 to 20 years to produce.
Again, for your information: A true Standard Apple tree is one grown from seed and may take from 10 to 20
years before it produces an apple. Ask us why trees put on special rootstocks are superior!
I recently received an order of 6 apple and 6 pear trees from them. They were their apple deer plot package and pear deer plot package. I must say that I was very happy with the trees that were received. All apple trees were approximately 5-6' tall and the pears were even bigger than that, roots looked good and were packaged pretty well.