Turkey Hunting


5 year old buck +
I have been turkey hunting the last 2 days. Yesterday saw lots of hens but no gobbling. Today there was lots of gobbling. Had a gobbler headed my way and the farmer who rents the neighbor's land brings in a really big rock picking machine. The gobbler takes off in other direction. I got to listen to rocks clanking for 5 hours. Didn't see or hear a bird the whole time the machine was running. Grrrrr!!!!!!!
That sucks TT! We have had a good amount of gobbling both mornings, but it only last for 25-45 minutes and they are done, not a peep after that. Set up too far north yesterday and the birds went SE of us off the roost. Moved our setup farther south today, but not far enough and they still went out east of us. We are moving as far south and a ways east tomorrow to try and head them off before they leave the public land and get to the private cornfields. With our luck they will move back to the NW to get to the fields over there where we had been on opening day.:mad::rolleyes: