If time and materials were not an issue I'd rather cage most trees. I typically cage Pome and tube most others simply because deer in my area use but don't seek out many of the trees I plant. Personally I don't like woven wire for a cage. The woven wire I've dealt with works fine for exclusion of large areas but it requires heavy posts to support it. It conforms to the ground well so when fencing a large area on uneven ground it is great. For individual tree fences I prefer some form of welded wire. My personal favorite is remesh (cement wire) it is heavy enough that it stands on its own. You just need a single light post to anchor it to a spot on the ground. Some folks even use rebar for this. Once anchored deer pushing on it won't deform it like lighter gage welded wire fence. The holes are large enough that rodents can still get in, so if you have rodent issues, you can use an 18" tube inside the fence.
I don't see great growth benefits from tubing my trees. I do it for protection. I also plant some trees with no protection. If deer don't nip off the central leader, I don't see much difference between tubed and untubed trees with my conditions.