Truax FlexII NWSG Drill


5 year old buck +
I am renting one of these from the local Soil Conservation District to drill in a NWSG blend. The guy in their shop is going to give me the basics on operating it, but has anyone here ever used one? And nuances I should be aware of? Tips? Or is it pretty straight forward? Hopefully this is the first of many times I will use this.
Make sure it is properly calibrated for your mix. They may not even be willing to help you with that at NRCS. That way you have no recourse if you have say 20 acres to plant and you run out of seed after 15 acres.
I like to set alittle light easier to go back over than run out.I planted alot of native grass with one
Used the county's drill two years ago to plant CRP style tall grass prairie, pollinators, and switchgrass. They helped me calibrate each mix to the drill and it worked pretty seamlessly.
It did need a bigger tractor than I had, so my farmer was nice enough to let me use his. Now I have a big enough tractor with hydraulics to handle it myself.