Trailcam pics

Part of my answer might be the optimistic side of me. I'd rather have a up and comer than one regressing. 2 with kickers is even better!

But, I still see quite a few of what I consider major differences between the two; 10 to 8, overall mass reduction, G3's longer on one while G2's longer on the other, and the main beams sweeps up differently.

Do you have patterns from one year to the next? Same bedding area, same travel routes, same time of day for movement? That would play a big factor in my opinion.
Are those antler characteristics common in your area? If they are, more likely that's its two deer as well. If they are uncommon, I'd have to guess same deer given what little pics/info we have.
Part of my answer might be the optimistic side of me. I'd rather have a up and comer than one regressing. 2 with kickers is even better!

But, I still see quite a few of what I consider major differences between the two; 10 to 8, overall mass reduction, G3's longer on one while G2's longer on the other, and the main beams sweeps up differently.

Do you have patterns from one year to the next? Same bedding area, same travel routes, same time of day for movement? That would play a big factor in my opinion.
I'm with Cat. The rack does look nearly exact, even down to the rt brow having a slight bend to it. The 2023 pic looks like a young deer to me. No mass and sharp tines makes him look really young. Very hard to tell from single pics and night vs day though. That's why I prefer video!
Geez you guys are a hard crowd to please! LOL 1st 2 pictures are from this year. Last picture is 2022s deer. Sorry I can't really give you anything better and thats all I have of the 2022 buck. Keep in mind the time of year these photos are from. I only had 3 or 4 pictures of the double kicker buck last year in September . I have had this year's double kicker buck on camera since mid July off and on.

Doubleflyer4.JPGDoubleflyer8.JPGsquiggy mv.JPG
I see 2 different deer.

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With the new evidence presented, I would like to change my original position to two different deer although very similar characteristics.
Now the real questions...

Is this year's buck a 2.5 or a 3.5 yr old?

And was last year's buck a 3.5 or a 4.5 yr old?
Dang swamp that is a sight for sore eyes. Good job keeping them alive.
Dang swamp that is a sight for sore eyes. Good job keeping them alive.
Your comment struck me as funny - used to be we congratulated folks when they killed a nice one - now we congratulate folks when there arent any killed. I am probably more excited they have about made it than if I killed one.
Your comment struck me as funny - used to be we congratulated folks when they killed a nice one - now we congratulate folks when there arent any killed. I am probably more excited they have about made it than if I killed one.
Haha you are spot on! The pinnacle of success to me is finding a mature buck shed on my property!
5 (1).jpeg
Biggest one left around the house in MN. I think he's around 145-150 but hope he could break through the 160 ceiling next year. 2 days left of muzzle loader to survive and he's likely home free.
I like finding sheds just like anyone else, but ultimately my goal is to get them past the gauntlet of MN gun seasons and feed them into January. Every deer I've harvested around here late season always has 1" fat layer on its back, so I think that can maintain through February and into spring. It is fun to see 20-40 deer hammering the rye in mid-late March.
Well with the closing of rifle season, I am going to have to call it quits on hunting this year. I will try to get a doe after the new year. I tried my best to outmaneuver my big guy, but as per usual he won. It’s almost poetic that I got a picture of him literally at my house looking at me as I pulled in the drive from hunting him. He has a few weeks of late bow left to survive, but I have faith in him. I am going to spend the night dreaming of what he could look like next year. I bet it will be marvelous!

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Well with the closing of rifle season, I am going to have to call it quits on hunting this year. I will try to get a doe after the new year. I tried my best to outmaneuver my big guy, but as per usual he won. It’s almost poetic that I got a picture of him literally at my house looking at me as I pulled in the drive from hunting him. He has a few weeks of late bow left to survive, but I have faith in him. I am going to spend the night dreaming of what he could look like next year. I bet it will be marvelous!

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He will make it! Start planning your revenge for next season! LOL
Dang so that's a yearling? I've tried striking up a convo before on how big a yearling can be in the wild. Never went anywhere. I think Baker said he never gives any thought to yearlings. That would be a bigger rack than what I conventionally call a yearling, but I've wondered if those type of spindly tall tined deer could be yearlings. Have sheds like that from the days before cams, big 100+ inch racks with dime size pedicles.
Dang so that's a yearling? I've tried striking up a convo before on how big a yearling can be in the wild. Never went anywhere. I think Baker said he never gives any thought to yearlings. That would be a bigger rack than what I conventionally call a yearling, but I've wondered if those type of spindly tall tined deer could be yearlings. Have sheds like that from the days before cams, big 100+ inch racks with dime size pedicles.
I think so. Body is small and he’s everywhere like a young guy. It’s possible he’s 2.5. But I doubt it.
Who likes mass? No surprise he hasn’t broken anything…

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