Tinkering on the site


If things look out of whack give me some time.
I'm tinkering.....I'll try not to break anything.
You are the combination cracker ... we can't get in until you get in ... :emoji_relaxed:
And nothin broke.
As long as it is still usable after you fixed it, consider it a success!
If things look out of whack give me some time.
I'm tinkering.....I'll try not to break anything.
That is what I told the wife about the dryer.....I took every screw out of it I could find. The look on her face as it was scattered all over the floor was pretty priceless..... I just looked up and said, "Fixed it, it don't make that noise no more!"
Dryers are the worst!
Dryers are the worst!
2 of the 4 "guide rollers" where toast and some of the drive system was actually in pieces! This one had a good life......I just had to put it out of it's misery! Besides I like knowing how things work..... I was also amazed at the amount of dryer lint that was in the bottom of it. Probably lucky we didn't burn the house down!
2 of the 4 "guide rollers" where toast and some of the drive system was actually in pieces! This one had a good life......I just had to put it out of it's misery! Besides I like knowing how things work..... I was also amazed at the amount of dryer lint that was in the bottom of it. Probably lucky we didn't burn the house down!

I took a gas dryer apart once to convert it into a tumbler, for skinned duck hides for taxidermy. I made it work but damn those things are complicated. Wonder what a dyson vac looks like in pieces. :)
I took a gas dryer apart once to convert it into a tumbler, for skinned duck hides for taxidermy. I made it work but damn those things are complicated. Wonder what a dyson vac looks like in pieces. :)
probably a lot of plastic and a small electric motor......not much else!
2 of the 4 "guide rollers" where toast and some of the drive system was actually in pieces! This one had a good life......I just had to put it out of it's misery! Besides I like knowing how things work..... I was also amazed at the amount of dryer lint that was in the bottom of it. Probably lucky we didn't burn the house down!
Know what I found when we carried out our last deceased dryer? Something like $14 in loose change that somehow managed to get from the main drum into an area underneath. We stood outside shaking the damn thing like a piggy bank!
Know what I found when we carried out our last deceased dryer? Something like $14 in loose change that somehow managed to get from the main drum into an area underneath. We stood outside shaking the damn thing like a piggy bank!
Yep - I pulled a few bucks out of it as well.....I didn't do as well as you did, I think I broke $3 mark.