Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

New Minnesota Vikings Offense.

During the Vikings bye week Coach KOC was rumored to have installed the new Medusa offense, new to the NFL to fit what his personnel does best.
The Medusa offense is a reaction offense where the targeted receiver once the ball is thrown and he spots it, the receivers hands will immediately turn to stone.
An audible clunk may be heard in some stadiums when it hits the hands prior to hitting the turf ........ unless ball is intercepted of course.
New Minnesota Vikings Offense.

During the Vikings bye week Coach KOC was rumored to have installed the new Medusa offense, new to the NFL to fit what his personnel does best.
The Medusa offense is a reaction offense where the targeted receiver once the ball is thrown and he spots it, the receivers hands will immediately turn to stone.
An audible clunk may be heard in some stadiums when it hits the hands prior to hitting the turf ........ unless ball is intercepted of course.
It's ok, I heard they have a box of handles coming for the next game.









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Alright sd I'll bite... The "perspective not curvature" one? I don't have a clue how those pics would demonstrate a flat earth?
Alright sd I'll bite... The "perspective not curvature" one? I don't have a clue how those pics would demonstrate a flat earth?
The same dynamics that people believe are happening with a sunset are happening with that picture of the dude walking away under the goal post. The sun doesn't go down any more than that dude is vanishing over the curve on a flat field. It just goes around the center pole and gets obstructed by the cloud horizon. When the entire pacific coast was on fire a few years ago and all that smoke and soot was blowing eastward, you could actually see the sun obstructed ("set") high above the horizon at the end of the day.
A football field has a good amount of curve to it. That’s why they refer to players as running down hill. I went to the Dallas Cowboys stadium once and it was very pronounced. Enough that if your pictures were taken from near the ground, the guy would disappear like this.

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The same dynamics that people believe are happening with a sunset are happening with that picture of the dude walking away under the goal post. The sun doesn't go down any more than that dude is vanishing over the curve on a flat field. It just goes around the center pole and gets obstructed by the cloud horizon. When the entire pacific coast was on fire a few years ago and all that smoke and soot was blowing eastward, you could actually see the sun obstructed ("set") high above the horizon at the end of the day.
You must be right.....because with my spotting scope.....I am quite sure I can see Hong Kong. It's pretty small....'cause its a long way's off.......and it takes a very clear day. And....to further my position....I have absolutely never seen the back of my head when gazing through that scope.....which would no doubt occur.....if the earth was round. Am I right?
Never sit in the first 3 rows at an NFL game. You can’t even see the other side
It’s all in the angular limits of your eyes, or in this example, the camera. Unless you are perfectly parallel to an object moving towards you or away from you, the angle of the object will always change.

Good way to illustrate this is the ending scene from the Breakfast Club. Judd Nelson is not coming up over an arc on the field, he’s walking in a straight line across a nearly perfectly flat field. But if this were done in reverse, it would also look like he’s going down as he’s going away. But he’s only going away, not down or over a curve.

Above the crow’s nest.


Slightly below it.


Almost under the bleachers.


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??? I'm so confused. I thought you were talking about the curve of the earth, not some random elevated thing in the background that does nothing to reference the plane that the guy is walking on. If the object moving away becomes hidden by the ground then does the object not fall below the horizon of the ground? Like you just said; line of sight is straight... ie the object hidden is behind something such as a hill or curved surface. I like it when you reference the oldies, The Breakfast Club was a good one!
The same dynamics that people believe are happening with a sunset are happening with that picture of the dude walking away under the goal post.

I think you are joking. That man is so insanely smaller than the sun. You must be joking if you think you can compare them while ignoring scale.
I think you are joking. That man is so insanely smaller than the sun. You must be joking if you think you can compare them while ignoring scale.
Your "science" and "logic" won't work with SD. He has already made up his mind.....so, don't confuse him with your crazy facts! grin.
??? I'm so confused. I thought you were talking about the curve of the earth, not some random elevated thing in the background that does nothing to reference the plane that the guy is walking on. If the object moving away becomes hidden by the ground then does the object not fall below the horizon of the ground? Like you just said; line of sight is straight... ie the object hidden is behind something such as a hill or curved surface. I like it when you reference the oldies, The Breakfast Club was a good one!
The crows nest in back is just a makeshift horizon in those photos to show the illusion of downward with the proof of flat.

Nothing goes behind the horizon or below it, it only becomes indistinguishable between the ground and horizon the closer the angle gets to zero.