Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

Your "science" and "logic" won't work with SD. He has already made up his mind.....so, don't confuse him with your crazy facts! grin.
It looks to me like SD is ready to run for federal office!
It looks to me like SD is ready to run for federal office!
No way man. You know what happened to the Apollo 1 team, Hale Boggs, Wellstone.
A football field indoors can be a lot flatter than a field outside that needs a certain amount of run off to shed water.
The same dynamics that people believe are happening with a sunset are happening with that picture of the dude walking away under the goal post. The sun doesn't go down any more than that dude is vanishing over the curve on a flat field. It just goes around the center pole and gets obstructed by the cloud horizon. When the entire pacific coast was on fire a few years ago and all that smoke and soot was blowing eastward, you could actually see the sun obstructed ("set") high above the horizon at the end of the day.
Lol, SD, I was really trying to follow your reasoning, and after rereading a couple of times, I imagine I was looking just like that knucklehead above!
Lol, SD, I was really trying to follow your reasoning, and after rereading a couple of times, I imagine I was looking just like that knucklehead above!
I get it. I even spent some time trying to re-write those statements because there are two things going on in a sentence, the illiusion which is not real (the curve, both on the field and the earth plain), and the reality (the field is flat). This disregards any minor crowning for run off. That little bit of change cannot explain away the shrinking of an object as it goes away and the angle flattens. Here's a video that helps explain it.

Start at the 1:11 mark if you're pressed for time. The whole video is only a little over two minutes. Notice there are also all sorts of tags and disclaimers attached to that video by the ministers of thoughts. Youtube doesn't want anyone wandering away from the mental prison.

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SD, I've really come to respect all of your food plotting and habitat opinions, like most here I'm sure. But I'm starting to think you really do believe the earth is flat, and that's making me rethink your habitat conclusions.........
SD, I've really come to respect all of your food plotting and habitat opinions, like most here I'm sure. But I'm starting to think you really do believe the earth is flat, and that's making me rethink your habitat conclusions.........
I don’t think the earth is flat… but I don’t blindly believe everything I read in books. I try to keep an open mind, because what if???

what if they are hiding something from you/us?
SD, I've really come to respect all of your food plotting and habitat opinions, like most here I'm sure. But I'm starting to think you really do believe the earth is flat, and that's making me rethink your habitat conclusions.........
The larger consideration should be how we take this little wing of an otherwise obviously corrupt federal/world government and believe everything they say with no expectation for any of it to make any sense.

There have been too many cover ups and lies to ever believe the same machine that gave us the magic bullet theory, vietnam, sirhan sirhan, project mockingbird, the Church Committee, the cold war (the war that never was, with a country that never could), 9/11, WMDs, NSA spying, pentagon/chinese joint venture to develop and release covid, ukranian biolabs, Jeffery epstien, the vaccine, ivermectin, January 6th, homeland security sex trafficking kids, hunter biden, etc.

It's all lies. At least we can have fun with the flat earth. Imagine a prison with no fence, no guards, and the inmates work their entire life to take care of it, just to have a slightly nicer cell, and ask for nothing in return other than some yard time before they die. Also imagine what may happen if 30 million people go for the antarctic passage and discover there is more out there.

We are told that this is all there is, we're running out of resources, we must stop reproducing, and kill ourselves to save the planet. Imagine what it would be like to be on team coverup when 8 billion pissed off people discover they've been lied to.

That's where we're at today. Start asking questions. If the flat earth was complete nonsense, there wouldn't be such an effort to keep the globe lie going, and so much military power to keep everyone inside the 60th parallel south.
I have no argument with you about all of the things you mention in which our government lied to us. But the earth was determined to be circular around 300 BC, through the use of math, not because a politician said so. It just doesn't fit into your box of conspiracies.

And there are both cruises and flights to Antarctica. You can go and do as much exploring as you'd like. Sure there are rules and limitations, but in this case the Antarctic Treaty has actually protected Antarctica. Without it, I'm sure Antarctica would have been somehow exploited or at least partially destroyed. People tend to ruin things when left to their own devices.
I saw trees in wrenshal mn 4 $15