Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

Idk about pride I often times will just take a doe if I just want some meat in the freezer they generally taste better, pride isn’t really a factor in that decision as much as flavor is.
Idk about pride I often times will just take a doe if I just want some meat in the freezer they generally taste better, pride isn’t really a factor in that decision as much as flavor is.
But were you were happy that you pulled the trigger, and got meat in the freezer?

I will use myself as an example, a few years ago, opening morning of a 9 day gun season, I shot a small spike buck, I wasnt very proud of that kill.

Another example, my son shoots a fawn to fill a doe tag the last day of the gun season, after watching 25 or so adult does he could have taken anytime during the season, the thing weighed probably 40 pounds, he would have been lucky to get 10 pounds of meat off that. He wasnt happy with himself.
It’s like shooting prairie dogs all day long then shooting at a young pup 1/5th the size of an adult and your thinking to yourself that prairie dog is bullet proof I’ve shot three times and missed him wtf is going on did I just shoot out my barrel??? After walking up to the mound and realizing it’s a pup you’re like wow no wonder I was struggling to hit that thing it’s tiny. The pups do tend to have crazy I just got out of bed hair so look closely at them and are so stupid that after missing three times they are still standing on the mound like nothing has happened.
Judge torpedoed Hunters sweet hart plea deal about time the wheels of justice start grinding away at the guilty in Washington the rot runs deep.