Tikka T3 22-250

My sons shoot the Tikka 243 lite.I have a Tikka 30-06....with Nikon Scopes. Great guns and optics
I am surprised nobody has asked why they are called "whistle pigs"? I thought it was an "Indiana thing" but Iguess not! I also have a 22-250 and it's an awesome cartridge. Mine is in a browning micro-medalion model. Great gun/cartridge for busting yotes, coons, ground hogs and anything else that you don't mind blowing a big hole in! My kids love when I shoot a milk jug of water at 300 yards. I use mine to control ground hogs as they love to eat the young soybean plants and can put a hurting on a small field pretty quickly.
whistle pigs! good eating! we also call them soil swine.