Three legged doe survivor


5 year old buck +
I had reports of a three legged doe on my land from after the November gun deer season 2016 through the winter. I saw her with her single fawn when I was on the farm recently. She is definitely a local doe to my land. She has a non functioning rear leg. It just dangles there. That does not stop her from getting around. She has a single fawn. Mom and fawn look very healthy. Obviously, this gal is a survivor.

I harvest a few does each season for the venison. Do you think this doe should go to the top of the list and I should follow through with the first opportunity to take her? Or should I give her a pass? She made it through a winter with three legs!

Anyone have a three legged doe with fawns in the spring?
I had one the last 2 years. But no sign of her after last hunting season. Either someone for her, or she was wolf bait. I have taken out injured deer in the past, and a couple have had gangrene. I didn't keep it for the freezer, but I felt better they weren't suffering.

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