This is definitely going to be an interesting year for acorns

My son and I went out last week to assess the acorn crop. I only found a couple that are loaded. This is my first season to relocate a blind solely because of the acorn load on a tree given the lack of acorns on others. We have two hundred oaks on the property, and I would estimate only 2% have good crops. Last year was a “once every five” bumper crop, so I was anticipating less, but nothing like this.
I've not seen as many acorns as I have this year. Lots are dropping over the past week or more. I have a little red oak.....but 1000's of burr oaks. Hazel crop is so/so. Apples and plumb thickets are putting out allot of fruit too. This seems odd in a drought year.
burr oaks here in west pa are mostly caps. White and red oaks look good for a change!
Had a seemingly good crop of bur, NRO, pin oak acorns this year but they have mostly been on the ground for a couple weeks by now. Would be nice to have white or SWO that held into sept at least. The good thing is august drop takes a little browse pressure off the young fall plots. A 6 or 7 buck bachelor group and growing doe family groups are starting to show up daily now where as they were mostly MIA all summer.
I love that tree. So do the deer. It will start dropping 1st week of October and continue on into November, depending on weather. Between the two favorite trees, they drop continuously for 2 solid months.
I love that tree. So do the deer. It will start dropping 1st week of October and continue on into November, depending on weather. Between the two favorite trees, they drop continuously for 2 solid months.
As soon as you have some extra acorns from that tree, I would give them a good home.
Ya .... I've got the same problem; and with a 3+inch rain recently, some of them got so fat they split.

1693686405058.jpeg ugly, ugly leaves though ... don't imagine deer care much about leaves relative to the acorns. Posting pictures is sometimes very strange to me ... my EO pic jumped onto Teeder's photo of an EO
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Slightly off subject, but the last few years leaves have turned some by now, and my ferns in the woods have turned yellow, not this year. Ferns are bright green, and trees have a slight off color.
Took a short drive today.....and my wife remarked that the fall colors have started. Leaves are turning. I think many colors change based on daylight hours / minutes.
Here is another variety of columnar white oak involving the columnar English oak ... Crimson Spire (CEO x WO). Couple of things to note; leaf shape - white oak influence (see leaf just to left of top acorn). Acorn shape (similar to both the acorns of English oaks and white oaks. The brown acorn in the second photo was just one of 3-4 I saw on the tree; however, in relation to the issue/question about when the acorns can be picked off the tree ... the acorns on this tree are mature enough to plant ... if you picked them green, they would turn brown within 3-4 days.

Some folks might say that tree is probably just a columnar English oak with no white oak parentage involved - only DNA analysis can prove conclusively - however the acorns lack the lines readily apparent on English oak acorns and and the acorns are somewhat thicker than acorns typically found on a white oak tree. Maybe moisture during the last 30 days pumped them up ???
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Been collecting a bunch of white oak acorns in Oregon/Washington.

Mostly Garry Oak I believe


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Been collecting white oak in Washington/Oregon

I believe mostly Garry Oak


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Finally got back to my woods for a few days. It is very dry again. My woods has a massive crop of red oak acorns. They are laying all over the place. By far and away the biggest crop I have ever seen. I have a few big trees holding truckloads. Today when I left one of the trees by the front gate was raining down acorns with wind gust.

Trees by us are changing color bigtime. Lots of trees have had the leaves just fall off. We could sure use rain.


pretty impressive when the deer tracks fill up with acorns!
One of my neighbor text me that the acorns are very plentiful in my area of Western Iowa. Good news because it’s so dry …plots are burning up !
Light acorn year for my area and dry we need rain pretty badly
Watched a little buck eating these acorns and then make this scrape in real time on video a couple days ago. Whole edge of this plot is burning up but littered with acorns and scrapes already.


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