This is definitely going to be an interesting year for acorns


I got a couple red oaks with trunks in the 8-16" diameter range that dropped a MASSIVE load last year. One of them in particular has more acorns and caps laying under it than any tree I ever remember seeing. Some of mine look good coming out of winter and ready to plant. My brother picked one up and it looked like it was just getting ready to seed itself. Red oak is very very important tree in my part of the world. Always a good bet to find deer activity in the red oaks around peak rut time until the snow buries them.
Any Burr Oak or Pin Oak up your way?
Any Burr Oak or Pin Oak up your way?

If you get up a few miles north of me there is a lot of pin oaks. On the east side of Lake Winni towards Ball Club and Deer River LOTS of pin oak. I don't have a single one on my property that I know of. There is burr oak in my immediate area. SD's property is very close to mine and he has quite a bit of burr oak. Mine is loaded with red oak and only 3 naturally occurring burr oaks that I know of. I have about 60 planted burr oaks, 20 burr oak gamble, 50-60 swamp white oak, and 3 pathetic schuette's. I am getting some white oak next year and possibly a few pin oaks and then my oak days are gonna be done on that property.
If you get up a few miles north of me there is a lot of pin oaks. On the east side of Lake Winni towards Ball Club and Deer River LOTS of pin oak. I don't have a single one on my property that I know of. There is burr oak in my immediate area. SD's property is very close to mine and he has quite a bit of burr oak. Mine is loaded with red oak and only 3 naturally occurring burr oaks that I know of. I have about 60 planted burr oaks, 20 burr oak gamble, 50-60 swamp white oak, and 3 pathetic schuette's. I am getting some white oak next year and possibly a few pin oaks and then my oak days are gonna be done on that property.
I kinda thought that your land may support lots of burr oak if they were there at one point in time.

When I logged my pines several years ago.....I made the logger leave any burr oaks. I was somewhat surprised to find thousands of small burr oaks in my pines.....and logging released those stunted trees so that today I have scads of Burr Oaks across my property....along with lots of hazel, birch, and aspen.