A very bad experience ... something I had not seen before. I direct seeded a group/grove of 7 Dunstan chestnuts (chestnuts from Pike Ridge) 5 & 1/2 years ago; several sported catkins last year but no burs. This year 4 trees have burs and the central leaders have been broken off in 2 of the trees and secondary limbs have been broken off in all 4 of the trees. Since we have not had any storms with wind - hardly had any rainfall - during the past 5 weeks, I am somewhat at a loss to determine the cause of the damage. I have developed a theory ... I think it may be a bug problem. This year starting in late June, lots of Japanese beetles appeared on the scene - the property has soybeans (JB favorite food) on 3 sides with lots in the area. Although I sprayed twice, the bugs just kept coming ... eating both chestnuts and oaks with heavy damage on new growth (especially the chestnuts). I noticed the first broken central leader around the middle of July and today - inspection of these 7 trees resulted in the damage described above. I'm wondering if some animal (e.g., coons or possums) is climbing the trees to eat beetles? (I know they will dig up your yard for the grubs) While the trees are caged for deer, I ride cages up 18" on t-posts (with short trunk guards) so it would be easy access for any animal that can climb. What I don't know .... would they eat the bugs as food or for the moisture content? Anybody got any ideas? I'll post photos tomorrow night.
The raccoon is entirely omnivorous; it will literally eat almost anything it can get its paws on.