The things you see from the stand

Ed Brodt

5 year old buck +
I have been stomping around the woods for over 60 years now and today I saw something I still can’t hardly believe. I am in a tower blind deer hunting Kentucky’s late black powder season. I can see three food plots, a cedar thicket and a mineral lick from my stand. There are two does feeding in a small food plot of clover and rye. The mature doe gets spooked by something in the woods and they both run right under my blind in a hurry.

I am hoping a buck is trailing them so I am patiently waiting. Suddenly I see a Bobcat come out of the tree line right where the does had been. The Bobcat starts rolling on the ground in what I assume is deer scat. It then crossed the food plot and goes into the brush. While I have captured this cat on my trail camera a few times this is the first Bobcat I have ever seen in the wild. I am thinking this is pretty neat.

Then the first Bobcat sprints out of the brush and is followed by a second Bobcat. As rare as seeing one is I have never heard of seeing two at the same time. This is where it gets good. They are kind of playing around the edge of the brush line when I see two coyotes run into the food plot. The coyotes stop mid-run and they are in a staring contest with the two Bobcats which are about 20 feet away.

I don’t know what would have naturally happened next as I never pass up a chance to shoot a coyote. So, I shoot the first one and of course everybody scatters. The shot anchors the coyote but it is not dead. His tail and head are moving. I start to reload hoping the other coyote comes back to check on its partner. I look up and one of the Bobcats is now approaching the dying coyote. The Bobcat gets to within about 10 feet and sits down and continues to watch the coyote. Every few minutes the Bobcat moves to a different position and sits and watches. He is making a circle around the coyote. I figure when the coyote finally dies the Bobcat might take advantage of a free meal.

When the Coyote dies the Bobcat moves in real close and does an inspection, then walks into the woods. A few minutes later the second Bobcat appears and goes through the same routine plus it lays down and watches the coyote. It is now about 9:00 AM or so. I can see three food plots from my stand so I decide to stay and hunt a bit longer but thinking this particular plot is a dead zone with this coyote laying on the ground.

About 10:30 I look over and two mature does are in the plot and investigating this dead coyote. They stomp and sniff and circle and then walk off into the timber. I thought that most of this action took place in front of one of our trail cameras but as it turned out it was a few feet off to the left. However, I did manage to take a few pictures with my 35 MM camera that show some of the action. If you had been able to measure my adrenaline while this was going on I am sure it would have been off the charts.

Now, I don’t know if the Bobcats were he hunting the coyotes or the if the coyotes were hunting the Bobcats or if this was just a chance encounter. The spot where this happened is a major crossing point for deer from big timber to a cedar thicket and three food plots, so they may have been trailing deer. I do know that I feel extremely privileged to have witnessed such an event. I often get as much enjoyment out of watching as I do shooting game. This was certainly one of those occasions. No deer harvested today…..but what a memory.
That is awesome. Thanks for telling of the encounter and sharing the pics. People who stay on the couch have no idea.
Cool encounter, thx for sharing!
The only way that could have worked out better was shooting both those mangy bastards or a tag team match with the two cats taking them down.

3 years ago I got a pretty good show from a decent size black bear and another time I had a grouse fly right into my chest while ground hunting a new spot. Both of those were pretty intense. The grouse nearly made me shit my pants cause he impacted before I know what was going on. Pretty hilarious with both of us sitting on the ground wondering WTF just happened.
That is pretty awesome! I too get the occasional bobcat picture, but I have never seen one.

A couple years ago my son and I were out deer hunting, and he sends me a picture of this big black bear sitting in his food plot, (this is not abnormal for our land) he asks if he can shoot it, because it is wrecking his hunting, I told him no, not unless it tries climbing into his tree stand. About a minute later I hear him shoot, my first thought was he didnt get my no text, then I thought what if the bear tried climbing his tree, so I texted him and asked if he was alright. He texted back with a picture of a decent size doe laying in the food plot, right where the bear was a couple minutes before. He said the doe came in the plot, as the bear was laying there, and she stomped her feet, and chased the bear away. So he shot the doe after that.

A couple minutes later he texts me a picture of the bear laying down licking his dead deer, asking if he can shoot the bear because it is eating his deer. I told him to try shooting a couple feet in front of it so the dirt would kick up and chase it away. So he shot, and the bear finally left his dead deer alone.

I had all the pictures back then, but I no longer have them now.
Great story, and the pictures really make it complete! Thanks!
Coyotes will eat bobcats and house cats so usually if you have lots of coyotes you won't see many bobcats.I used to see alot of cats and have shot close to 10 with a bow.Since more coyotes came around not as many cats.It seems like to more coyotes we shoot and trap the more that come.A friend that traps has taken 50 coyotes this year and that was 2 weeks ago and I think he said he had around 14 cats
Coyotes will eat bobcats and house cats so usually if you have lots of coyotes you won't see many bobcats.I used to see alot of cats and have shot close to 10 with a bow.Since more coyotes came around not as many cats.It seems like to more coyotes we shoot and trap the more that come.A friend that traps has taken 50 coyotes this year and that was 2 weeks ago and I think he said he had around 14 cats

I would guess that inverse correlation between bobcat and coyote populations has much more to do with competition for food than predators eating each other.
I always thought a full grown cat takes down a yote. I probably would have shot to but it would have been cool to see how it played out. Great story.
I don't know as I have seen coyotes in town with cats in their mouths
I doubt a 35 pound coyote and 25 pound bobcat square off very often, there has to be some sort of professional courtesy extended!
That was a cool story and made for one fun day in the stand I’m sure. I went turkey hunting last Sring. I saw my first bobcat in 20 years of hunting my farm. It ran across the field. Less than a minute later, a coyote ran across the field stopping in the exact spot the bobcat did. They ended up downwind of me and a friend. I told him there’s not a chance we see the yote again. A couple minutes later, the bobcat came running back across the field stopping for a second in the same spot. The yote didn’t come back. I run 12 trail cams and haven’t yet seen the bobcat. However a friend saw the bobcat this Fall drinking from the pond very close to where I saw him. It was cool to witness the coyote chasing the bobcat. I’ve heard it’s usually the other way around but I’m not sure.
Very cool pix and story !! Thanks for sharing. My money would be on the bobcat just on speed of those claws alone. A cornered bobcat would be a lightning strike with claws. 1 on 1 - I'll take the cat !!
that was a wild encounter, seen a few things from stand but not quite that awesome, good job on turning that coyote into a good coyote, dead. Last year had some warm weather move in and decided to hunt anyway, later in the bow season, just before firearm season and I hear a noise, sure enough small 6 crashing through the woods, runs right under my stand. RUnning because it was getting chased out of town by a decent 8, grunt stopped the 8 and had full draw, decided not a shooter and let him walk, He starts to move off, and hits the creek, and LIES down in the water, gets up, and takes a few steps, lies down again in deeper water and proceeds to cool off before he finally left.
Really cool story and pics are great. I see bobcats now and then, but rarely see 'yotes when I'm hunting. I know they are there as I hear them frequently at night...
Great story and a once in a lifetime live in the wild encounter. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Pretty cool. I think the weirdest thing I ever saw from the stand was a chipmunk rolling around on the ground like it was fighting something.... after it got done it was eating a baby snake.
Awesome story! Wow. You know, I've been a hunter for over 40 years now, and I have never seen a bobcat, which I think is astounding, given the number of hours I spend in the woods. I too have periodic cam pics of bobcats on my property. I bought this property 3 years ago, I suppose I'll see one one day. Thanks for sharing the great story. Aren't God's outdoors and critters just awesome?
Awesome story! Wow. You know, I've been a hunter for over 40 years now, and I have never seen a bobcat, which I think is astounding, given the number of hours I spend in the woods. I too have periodic cam pics of bobcats on my property. I bought this property 3 years ago, I suppose I'll see one one day. Thanks for sharing the great story. Aren't God's outdoors and critters just awesome?
Hey Patrick, my dad's side of the family hails from your part of the country. As a young kid I spent some time running around Brooksville. Cousins last name was Hedgecock. Great Grandad last name was Murray. Many years ago the Murray's owned the farm where the covered bridge is. I can remember going to a mom and pop soda fountain in town and getting cherry cokes. Great memories. I am now 70 years old and we just bought our place 5 years ago near Gravel Switch KY. Am having a blast doing habitat management etc.
Hey Patrick, my dad's side of the family hails from your part of the country. As a young kid I spent some time running around Brooksville. Cousins last name was Hedgecock. Great Grandad last name was Murray. Many years ago the Murray's owned the farm where the covered bridge is. I can remember going to a mom and pop soda fountain in town and getting cherry cokes. Great memories. I am now 70 years old and we just bought our place 5 years ago near Gravel Switch KY. Am having a blast doing habitat management etc.

Thats cool. I would not know any of these people, because I'm from around here. I live in Lexington, and just purchased this land to hunt on and to eventually build a weekend cabin on it, probably next summer. I too love doing management!!! Trying to finish up my access roads in the next few weeks!