The Little Woods

Couple nice bucks hangin' around there. Haws & dogwoods are loaded - very good. Bees have a nice set-up with all the wildflowers you have. All good.
How much honey are you getting ??
He's a beauty! Hope you guys can take him down.
Couple nice bucks hangin' around there. Haws & dogwoods are loaded - very good. Bees have a nice set-up with all the wildflowers you have. All good.
How much honey are you getting ??

We will be taking honey off on both farms in the next week, I have pretty high expectations especially for the hives over at the other farm but am happy with anything we get. The bee project started out to be mainly for pollination and has just turned into something that is fun and more interesting than I ever imagined, I seem to notice every flower now and am planning on planting some small plot projects just for the bees next spring.
Finally pulled the cards the other day and had a chance in the last month to do some bow hunting over at the Little Woods.

This is the locust tree stand, it was a mean one to put up I was bleeding like I had been in a knife fight by the time I got it up but it was worth it...fantastic gun hunting stand and is a nice bow hunting stand early in the season. It is right out on the outside corner of the woods looking over the bee hives koi pond and orchard right down the CRP strip along the woods.


View from stand

This is the middle stand, it is about twenty yards into the woods half way down the orchard where about four deer trails intersect. Has a good view of outside of woods too with CRP strip around thirty yards out.

There are a couple hot scrapes ten yards out in front of the stand right now.


View from stand

These are from the latest card pull







What is going on with the time stamp?
What is going on with the time stamp?

The hours are starting to get a little funny this pull, that camera has been out there running for four years straight year's probably time to replace it.
Finally pulled the cards the other day and had a chance in the last month to do some bow hunting over at the Little Woods.

This is the locust tree stand, it was a mean one to put up I was bleeding like I had been in a knife fight by the time I got it up but it was worth it...fantastic gun hunting stand and is a nice bow hunting stand early in the season. It is right out on the outside corner of the woods looking over the bee hives koi pond and orchard right down the CRP strip along the woods.


View from stand

This is the middle stand, it is about twenty yards into the woods half way down the orchard where about four deer trails intersect. Has a good view of outside of woods too with CRP strip around thirty yards out.

There are a couple hot scrapes ten yards out in front of the stand right now.


View from stand

These are from the latest card pull







I really like the second to last photo with the does.
Have spent a few days at the Little Woods working on a couple projects in the past couple weeks. Biggest project is cutting the woods back along the south side of woods in kind of a "reverse feathering" dropping or dragging trees and brush back into the woods for bunny cover and to get it out of the way. The fruit trees were starting to show a little bit of a southward lean getting shaded some from the woods and I don't want the to have fruit trees have to compete with the roots from trees in the woods either.
As soon as the briars start to leaf on a flat calm day I'm going to spray with Crossbow to kill them off, they are getting out of control. I broadcast a mixed clover/chicory mix in the newly cleared area along woods.


We have a little over twenty apple and pear planted in the little orchard now, some have been in ground for five years newest stuff for one year. I am grafting a bunch of new varieties to me of apple&pear trees this week so I will be adding another ten or more to the east end of the woods next spring.
The oldest fruit trees are close to fifteen feet tall and getting some good diameter to them and are almost big enough to not have the wind support any more;

A Cortland

A Keiffer

A DropTine crab that is growing well

Collecting scions a couple weeks ago

The Koi pond has wintered good and is full to overflowing

We split one of the hives yesterday and started a new NUC hive to replace one we lost over at the Big Woods this winter, the bee's were not happy about that at all but were settled back down good today, I noticed a lot of them with pollen on their legs.

Lots of wildflowers starting to pop up in CRP strips

Found a bunch of rubs in the woods...I should have hunted this woods more last fall.

Also found a small tree that might make a good walking stick in a couple years


My goal is to try and keep at clearing up the volunteer and encroaching stuff in the orchard this spring, I should have gotten after it hard in February. I'm about half way done along south side of woods.
A quick update on the Little Woods, went out this morning to put out a new mineral block/fill feeder/new batteries in camera and took a few pics. I feel like I neglect this place too much because it's a few hundred yard treck in through row crops and it's a jungle, I need to pay more attention to it the fruit trees here do not get much TLC at all. Our other place gets all the attention because it's bigger and has a lot going on and I don't want to spook the deer here with to much human pressure so it's usually a quick check of the bee's and out.

The fruit trees are doing good but are getting a little grown over with the switch grass and ground cover in CRP strip, with the weird wet cool spring we had there wasn't much of a fruit set this year. A few tree's have a little fruit on them.




Gray dogwood all along edge's are full of berries

Milkweed are really putting pods on

The hive on this farm is doing extremely well, there will be a lot of honey to take off in a month. For whatever reason today the girls were worked up and I got stung twice just walking by it.

Lot's of flowers around the woods in bloom now.







A few beauties in there. Must get your heart beating.
A few beauties in there. Must get your heart beating.

It is fun getting the pics of them.
For as little as this woods is the bucks sure hang out in it all summer then breeze out end of Sept and come through during rut and move back in early January when things settle down. I think they like that it is so crazy thick with good cover and summer food.
The big woods is exactly the opposite, bucks move in late Sept-December...a couple of the same ones I get here and it's five miles away almost in a straight line.
January is a great time to hunt in Ohio. First gun I ever bought was a muzzleloader a few weeks before the blackpowder season. A couple inches of snow and a tall tree stand.... fond memories.
Again it's like I almost ignore this piece of property! I only hunted deer once in it last year and I think the boys each hit it once...I did bunny hunt it a couple times.
Yesterday I was out putting up wind braces on the fruit trees up high, it gets a lot of hard west wind in spring. I also planted a Sansa apple and a Shenandoah pear and did the fertilizing. I pruned the the low stuff on the trees hard a couple weeks ago.
The fruit trees running down the south side of woods in the CRP I think there are around thirty now.

Some of the older ones are close to 15' now.

With trunks like baseball bats.

The groundcover is clover,,,with some treefoil/partridge pea/chicory and wildflowers.

I found a bunch of old fence posts in a bulldozer pile and made two stashes of them for future use.

While I was there I pulled the card in the camera. I was pretty sure the camera took a crap early last fall.....well it didn't! There was a couple thousand pics on it, all kinds of bucks all during fall coming through. So many and so late now that I just gleaned through them, lots of day pics, lots of same bucks. Nothing big but it would have been worth sitting to see what didn't get in front of the camera!











I also cut the walking stick tree a few weeks ago, it was hickory. Peeled the bark and it just kept getting better looking. Dried it by the fireplace for a couple weeks, sanded it down, linseed oiled it and gave it a coat of furniture wax. I left it taller because it had so much character, so it is kind of a walking stick/staff I can use while I'm mushroom hunting.


With it being hickory, it ought to last a couple generations. Nice job!

Lots of bucks on cam. Good stuff.
Good to see some bucks were coming through, at least you didnt miss out on granddad!

Love the walking stick! I always make a bunch in early winter out of willow. Half the times I find a shed I leave the walking stick (not on purpose) LOL! So ive learned im better off with 25 crappy sticks rather than 1 really nice one haha! One like yours id leave home for decoration, pretty.
The new feeder has worked out so well over at our other place keeping feed dry and slowing the coons down a little I bought the exact same one and put up on this farm Friday afternoon.


Snapped a few pics of the fruit tree's along the south side of the woods. These are in full sun all day planted in the CRP strip but just bud and bloom a couple weeks later than the orchard at the other farm.
The west end of the little orchard, most of the trees at this end are fourth or fifth leaf now and are 12'-15'.





A DropTine crab just starting to break blossom.


Lots of flowers in and along the woods blooming now;




Saw dozens of these, they were my Dads favorites


Buckeye trees starting to bloom


While I was working on projects the wife started mushroom hunting and soon was into them and called me over to help.






Also saw a lot of wildlife

barred owl


Dog started barking at a couple dens of these little trouble makers...wife was all about them so I called Darcy off.

And she pointed and chased a couple bunnies around
H2Fowls Zoo and Arboretum! Now open! LOL

Lots of color and life. Great stuff!
Darn good day at the Little Woods...