Lee Haakenson
5 year old buck +
Ive shot some big bucks in a 1/4 acre island of trees surrounded by 500 acres of corn (SE WI). Lots of pass thru deer, never seen before. A few years ago we missed a very wide 10 pt kicked out by a combine. Only saw him once. Neighbor killed him gun opener 2 miles away - 28" inside spread.I love those small wood lot islands. We have afew around here that owners think are to small so I've been able to gain hunting permission. Especially productive in years of standing corn for discrete access.
What's the short 2x2 stakes in apple cages all about? Necessary due to winds across open field or just preventive insurance? Just caught my eye being lower support than I'm used to seeing in most guys orchards
I like the pond, you ever look into a solar aerator for winter? Curious if it would keep up with cold Temps
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