The Crappies took a beating.

Brush Creek

5 year old buck +
rsz_melissa4-15_2[1].jpg Grabbed my dad, my 12 year old son and two of his buddies and headed to Detroit Lakes. One kid has fished before, the other had fished before but no seriously. The kids did not have school on Friday so we left at about 8 from the Twin Cities. 46 degrees and windy the on Friday so we took our time. Stopped for breakfast in Clear Lake. Got to the hotel at noon. Hit the pool for an hour or so and hit the water at 2.

Made sure the kids were dressed for the weather. Caught a few crappies and bass. Then my son hooked a northern. 34.5 inches and the biggest of his life and he loves northerns. Went out for pizza. Saturday and Sunday were some awesome fishing. Released many more fish than we caught. Had a fish fry on Saturday and sent fish home with each kid.

The kids swam in the pool on Saturday and played poker Saturday night. They were giving each other a bunch of crap all weekend. My son put his foot in the live well. One bloody nose after a direct hit with a water soaked Nerf like football but a great trip over all.

I always wonder if the kids have a good time. We were not 30 minutes into our drive home when the kid who hadn't fished much says to my son, "When do you think we will go fishing again?"
Nice slabs and great pike. 30+ in pike are becoming a rarity and not the norm. Got to be happy with that.
Wow that looks like a blast, nice fish!
Nice fish.
Good work and kudos for taking the kids along. Were the crappies up shallow yet?
No. 7-10 feet.
Great job and I would say they all had a good time.
I am guessing the red head is new to fishing by the way he is holding that fish. Sounds like you had a great time. Water still to cold for my spring hot spot, hopefully next week.