Talk oaks/acorns to me...


5 year old buck +
Was in the woods saturday morning on an oak flat. As I got out of the tree and could actually see the ground, there are acorns literally everywhere. Well we've got a spell of rain and a lot of them were sprouting. I wanted to start some in my tree garden at home.

I know you guys have done stuff with non sprouted stuff as far as refrigerating and potted growing during the off season.

If I have a spot I can protect from browsers, am I ok to stick them straight into the ground and babysit them there?

Or what should my course of action be?
Yes as long as the squirrels are not around. What type of oak?
Something in the white oak family... How's that for being generally specific?
Yes - you can direct seed acorns. The trick is keeping the critters from eating them! I made "germination cages" when I do it that is made of hardware cloth. I close the top to keep little paws out as well and use a sturdy stake to keep the cage from being pulled off/out. I did this with some sawtooth oaks in a plot and they have done well. You have to watch to keep the tree from growing thru and enlarge your "cage" as needed, but direct seeding acorns where they will get the moisture and sunlight they need can easily be done.
The cage here is from roughly 2 years ago....and the best trees from them are now almost 3 feet tall....without tubes.

This one started out as an acorn in the cage above. I have changed cages twice now and now finally have full size cages up to protect the tree for years and years to come. I am trying to prevent deer browse (which I have not seen much of on these so far) from stunting or slowing the tree growth.
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I've found that if there's as many as you indicate the critters likely can't keep up and the ones you plant...those planted will have sprouted before they can mess with them. A bumper crop year is likely one of the best times to direct seed and you can come back with cages or tubes.
Not sure I understand completely... Are you wanting to dig up sprouted trees, take nuts that have a root sticking out but not in the soil yet, or just pick up nuts and take them home?
Not sure I understand completely... Are you wanting to dig up sprouted trees, take nuts that have a root sticking out but not in the soil yet, or just pick up nuts and take them home?
I picked up nuts that were germinating, and took them home and planted them into my "tree garden" (50 miles away)

If these don't make it, like boll said, I'm sure next year I can let the ones that have fallen naturally sprout and pull some that way.

Lotta sunlight is going to hit the ground as we cut a bunch of blocking and maples away from a few "up and coming" white oaks for future harvest, and these acorns are from those trees