Switch Planting


5 year old buck +
I'm going to be planting around 4 acres of switch this spring. Some areas will need to be worked up, sprayed, and planted in April or May as I was not able to prep some areas last fall for frost seeding. Other areas I will be planting were planted in corn/soybeans last year. Can I frost seed right into the corn and beans? Will I need to come back to kill weeds after green up occurs?
yes and yes.
Is switch planting really that easy? Spray, till-up, frost seed & come back in spring and clean-up the weeds? I can't get grass to grow in my yard and spend a lot more time trying to get that going than it seems it will take to get switch going.
Is switch planting really that easy? Spray, till-up, frost seed & come back in spring and clean-up the weeds? I can't get grass to grow in my yard and spend a lot more time trying to get that going than it seems it will take to get switch going.
I guess yes if you put it in those terms , I sprayed mine 2-3 times the summer/fall before I frost seeded it and once in the spring the first year, no tilling. This will be the third year so I'm hoping it comes on good and thick this year.