Hey all, I was wondering if you all have any success planting old logging roads? My property has some pretty steep sections & a lot of runoff from the mountain above. The existing logging roads have areas where quite a bit of erosion has already occurred. Many of the others are covered in Japanese stilt grass currently which DCNR is going to be treating in the coming week. My hope is to first, protect the areas that still have some topsoil with some planting after DCNR treats & return in the future to address the areas where most topsoil is gone. Game utilize these roads routinely, and I'm sure will continue to do so more especially if I'm able to grow some sort of beneficial forage on them. I have some timber work scheduled for this year too to open some canopy and provide some density to areas as well to improve bedding off these roads. It won't be able to be drilled or anything, so will be a bit of a battle with no-till efforts for now. I was thinking rye and white dutch clover? Sorry for the long winded explanation and as always thanks for sharing your expertise.