Swisher Rough Cut Mower - Blade Removal


5 year old buck +
Looking for some help - One of the blades on my Swisher rough cut mower has wedged on to the mounting plate. I have loosen the nut on the blade mounting bolt, but I am not able to turn the bolt using a 1/2 air impact (mower is about 1 year old). Any suggestions? The blade is suppose to float between the mount and bolt head. Thanks!
is the bolt reverse threads

I checked the manual and could not find info - I did try moving the bolt in both directions - but no budge. I have a more HD impact at home and bigger compressor to try. Still trying to find info via google. Thanks!
Are there sealed bearings involved? If not, heat, let it cool and then go at it again. (Just make sure if they are reverse thread or not first.)
Are there sealed bearings involved? If not, heat, let it cool and then go at it again. (Just make sure if they are reverse thread or not first.)

No bearings - I am going to give Swisher a call tomorrow. I have a 3/4 in impact and bigger compressor I can try on the next trip. Thanks for the reply!
I removed my blades this spring so I could sharpen them. They weren't left handed threaded. I believe the nut is a jam nut of sorts. When I put it back together I added another nut on the top side, just to be safe. Mine is 5+ years old, so it could have changed. Can you see enough of the end of the bolt to test another nut on it? That would confirm which threads you have.

Sometimes a long cheater bar is better than an impact. You can get lots of leverage with a 6' pipe!

I have a 52" swisher and my threads are not reverse threads. I use a 3/4 rachet set I purchased from Northern Tool. I use mine for cutting prairie grass and the only problem I have had is the main spindel nut losens over time and I do have to tighten it. On my unit I have to put a wrench on the bolt head that is on the top side of the deck and then I put a rachet on the bottom near the spindel to tighten the nut. The swing blades on my unit do swing under the main plate and again the threads are not reverse threads.

Agree with john, you might try a breaker bar.
I removed my blades this spring so I could sharpen them. They weren't left handed threaded. I believe the nut is a jam nut of sorts. When I put it back together I added another nut on the top side, just to be safe. Mine is 5+ years old, so it could have changed. Can you see enough of the end of the bolt to test another nut on it? That would confirm which threads you have.

Sometimes a long cheater bar is better than an impact. You can get lots of leverage with a 6' pipe!


I have a 52" swisher and my threads are not reverse threads. I use a 3/4 rachet set I purchased from Northern Tool. I use mine for cutting prairie grass and the only problem I have had is the main spindel nut losens over time and I do have to tighten it. On my unit I have to put a wrench on the bolt head that is on the top side of the deck and then I put a rachet on the bottom near the spindel to tighten the nut. The swing blades on my unit do swing under the main plate and again the threads are not reverse threads.

Agree with john, you might try a breaker bar.

Hey John & Freeborn, Thanks for the suggestions & helpful info...;) I was able to confirm with Swisher that the bolt is not reverse thread. I'll bring a breaker bar & pipe along with the 3/4 drive impact. I hope to be able to get it fixed without the use of a torch...don't have one of those.

Many thanks!!...:cool: