Well, here is my update on Sun Hemp. I broadcast it in a mix with buckwheat 10 lbs/ac of each and then drilled sunflowers on top. With our high deer densities and weed competition, here is what we got at the pine farm:
The sunflowers never made it past the early stage. Deer nipped them off and killed them. The buckwheat germinated ok but did not get very big before it was nipped as well. The sunn hemp was heavily browsed but kept growing. I'd say this field is pretty typical of the pine farm fields. Some have spots where the sunn hemp is waist high but this is what most of it looks like. There is plenty of small sunn hemp in the field between the encroaching grasses. These fields had buckwheat last summer and a cover crop last fall (PTT/WR/CC). In previous years they had beans in the summer and were fertilized every year for about 5 years.
I have a small piece of ground on the other side of the county, about 15 minutes drive away. It has been in pasture for many years. I'm beginning to convert it to better food. Deer densities are lower. It has been limed a few years ago but never fertilized. I planted the same mix, but at a rate of 25 lbs/ac of each. Here is a pick out the tractor cab door.
I planted sun hemp on a propert
There is buckwheat and some sunflowers in the field but they are swamped by the sunn hemp. Here is another picture of it partially mowed in the foreground:
I like the mix. I'll probably skip the sunflowers next year and shoot for around 20 lbs/ac of each at the pine farm. The field above will be converted to perennial clover this fall.