Sugar Tyme Crabapples


5 year old buck +
Here's a photo of a couple of Sugar Tyme crabapples that I grew from seed this spring. I collected the seeds from a tree growing in my MIL's backyard last fall. I was looking for additional winter time food sources for turkey and grouse. The MIL's tree would hold fruit into late winter. I have planted about a dozen of these so far this year.

Thanks for viewing....;)

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Those trees really look healthy. What's the size of the crabapples that they drop?
Those trees really look healthy. What's the size of the crabapples that they drop?

They are small in size, about 1/2 inch.
Thanks, sounds like a good size for turkeys.
Wow. You got some serious growth from those crabs. Good job.
Wow. You got some serious growth from those crabs. Good job.

Thanks greyphase! This was my first year germinating collected seeds. Almost every crab apple seed that I stratified has been successful. I also collected and germinated a few flower seeds for my wife's garden last year - here's a photo of a portion of her flower garden:

I could have purchased a dozen of those last spring. They were large trees about 15'. I didn't pull the trigger because I didn't have my backhoe at my place to dig the holes. They were on clearance for $25 each. I have been kicking myself ever since. Your trees look great. I am definitely moving to the crab side of the apple world.
Thanks greyphase! This was my first year germinating collected seeds. Almost every crab apple seed that I stratified has been successful. I also collected and germinated a few flower seeds for my wife's garden last year - here's a photo of a portion of her flower garden:

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OK So next you'll be showing a pic of your big green thumb:eek::D:D. What ever your doing keep doing it. :cool:
OK So next you'll be showing a pic of your big green thumb:eek::D:D. What ever your doing keep doing it. :cool:

Chummer - You said you were moving to crabapples. I think you'll be pleased. At our camp we've got apples, crabs, & pears. The crabs just seem to keep chugging. We don't have any big problems with them. Heavy crops each year, not much disease to speak of. Plus they help pollinate apple trees. A lot of ours have never been sprayed. A couple handsful of 10-10-10 around them each spring - that's it. Plenty of eats for deer, turkey, & grouse.