You have a supressor on the socom? Ever shot the subsonic without the supressor? How loud was it that way. What powder are you using? Tempted to go subsonic again. IF so, 458 oscom is an option. Was buying parts for a 458 socom AR when the NY safe act was signed in 2011. Sold the parts. Don't want to be hassled by a game warden with an illegal gun. NY sucks, NY prisons on the inside suck more though.
Been in a spare room at home for 3 days hiding from my wife. I got covid over the weekend. Cleaned all my guns, put a few scopes on, did a few repairs, waiting for 450 marlin brass to come in. I bought a 2nd modern muzzleloader for the oldest kids girlfriend to use. She hasn't touched it yet in almost 2 years. Might be able to subsonic that gun wit the right powder. CVA is 24" and the omega is 28" Could make the omega subsonic and the CVA regular. Might be able to swap between loads without a gun rezero. Something to play with at the range next time.
580 grain? That thing thump your shoulder? What are you using to powdercoat? When I subsonic'd a 357 mag bullet, I did it the old way, gas check and lee lube. Think it was the tanish one, not yellow. Since your not going that route, you using an AR platform Im guessing? OR just a bolt gun.