Storing Acorns in fridge


5 year old buck +
Can someone direct me to the best thread regarding how to store acorns in the fridge over the winter, or give me some suggestions. I collected some Burr Oak acorns, and some articles say to keep a damp cloth with them, some say just store in zip loc bag in fridge, soe say to lay in sand in a container, some say to lay in potting soil. Some say to ask you folks who have done it lol.

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I have some in a Solo cup in the door at the moment, and an open ziplock bag with some black walnuts.
No idea what's best. lol
Partially open zip lock with a damp paper towel in with them. Check the paper towel once a month for mold or dryness. Replace with a new one if either is present.
I have kept acorns in plane partially opened ziploc bags, and I have kept them in brown paper bags. (both times without the wet paper towel) I would keep them in the crisper drawer of your fridge, regardless. I don't think it really matters for storing them. I would probably not put them into soil unless you have the temperature just above freezing. Otherwise, you will get quite a few to sprout.
I keep mine in slightly damp sawdust or sphagnum moss in a slightly open ziplok, in the beer crisper. Check about once a month for moisture. White oaks tend to germinate real fast. I have the most problem with them. Burrs are later (spring), red varieties are later yet. I usually use the fridge at work, so I can set the temp real low.
This year I’m storing the red oak acorns, the white oaks I picked are already sprouting.
As close to freezing as possible will delay the white oaks fairly well. Some moisture is needed for the Reds to stratify properly. Ziplock bags left slightly unsealed with some damp material inside seemed to work fine for me.
Bur and swamp white oaks store well in the fridge, along with red oak varieties at just above freezing. Ziploc bag with a damp paper towel around them and a weekly check for mold. If some acorns mold and others don't...the moldy ones are bad and need thrown out.

White oak (alba) and the chinkapin oaks sprout early so I just fall plant them instead of going the fridge route with those varieties.

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Bur’s and chinkapin’s getting ready for the fridge they just got float tested. IMG_1905.jpegIMG_1910.jpeg