Chestnut stratification pit storage

View attachment 28819Success this year using straight sand, seems to be no mold on the top at least. Gonna build a protected grow bed as there are way too many to pot them all up.

Awesome. Same here so far, checked all the top layers and no mold anywhere.

I bought a roll of 4' x 100' fiberglass window screen. I am cutting them into ~10"x10" and stapling them into cylinders. I will do around 700-800 this way, and then the plan is to put the rest into air pruned beds and bare root in the fall.

Depending on how the pandemic unfolds, I would like to try selling some this summer at a farmers market.
BE5E60BB-3322-46B5-975A-329D8856AF72.jpegGot about 350 nuts in some beds so far, hoping I’m half done at least, not sure exactly how many nuts I have to plant.
4CBF7413-D837-470A-830D-BD9D0E8453E6.jpegComing along pretty good