Stock Market is the bottom in?

Depends really on what situation you are in. I'm not selling anything right now for a loss, planning on things coming back. Personally I do think the market is reacting way too much to things in play right now. Lot's of panic. Ultimately it's your call on if you think your stocks are going to get back to "normal". jmo
Ok my plan was to ride it out but I was wondering if I should just sell what I have at a loss and hopefully it keeps dropping so I could make more back on the way back up. More risk for sure.
Please don't take what I say as financial advice. I'm just guessing at what the markets will do myself. Some people are saying the crashing is just getting started. Some people are taking this dipping action as a time to buy things on sale. Whoever can figure out when things hit the bottom are the ones coming out the best. You don't lose money if you don't sell unless your stock goes to zero. Tesla stock is dropping like a rock. I think it's mostly TDS causing that. jmho
I really stay away from articles about stocks to buy, and organized stock sites with user forums. I think that’s a shady venue for pumping and dumping garbage stocks. I’ve shoveled lots of money into the abyss on recs I paid for at Motley Fool.

I think we’re getting to the back end of the boom. There’s a ton of exuberance for stocks with nothing behind them, and the swings are starting to get wild. There are also no bears. That’s when you know there are also no more buyers. We’re probably gonna have to get back to looking for catalysts again.

I think the future is bright for the war sector. I lost my LMT shares yesterday because the crap shot up 11% in two weeks.


The future is bright in the Middle East especially. In Lebanon alone there are 2x the people as Palestine and half the density. Syria is 25x bigger than Lebanon. It’ll take at least $8 Trillion (with a T) to make those countries safe. The sabres are rattling in both countries and it’s just a matter of time before they both pop off in a big way. We’ll probably use Turkey to come into Syria from the north too. This is gonna be big.

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LMT is/was a buy and hold for me. We need to replace all the weapons systems we gave away over the last 3 years (and seem to always be using up or leaving behind.) Long term (over 15 years) they are my best performing stock.
So far trumps put on a masterclass in how to tank the stock market. Hopefully there’s a turnaround in store soon
I would say you are correct .. it’s tough to cut government spending and get rewarded . No doubt he’s getting backlash. It would have been easier to just keep spending trillions!

Tariffs are a factor, personally I don’t think they will have a big impact overall . I predict a -12-14% drop . Then positive by year end!

Lower interest rates will be huge for the average American! That’s coming …
I was referring to the stock market. There are a bunch of liberals on the investment site (Seeking Alpha) that post stuff like “Trump has been a disaster for the stock market “ & “I made more $$ under Biden” .

I post the “facts” like you just posted in your first sentence. Trump exceeded Biden stock market . He exceeded his economic metrics as well (with the exception of the last 8-9 months of Covid actual shutdown and forced unemployment).

My point was they were wrong & blowing up at Trump for a 7-8% drop, but never said a word when Biden had a -22% drop . Is it possible we see a bigger drop, of course . Let’s see how the Dow/NASDAQ look on December 31, 2025!
The sources I mentioned are anything but liberal. The 22% market drop was due to the global Covid pandemic eff-ing up all markets. Not a surprise to me - nor the analysts at the aforementioned financial sources. When the whole world locked up from the Covid pandemic ..... what else would happen but a market decline?? And not just the U.S. markets. The rest of the world did a lot worse. Some global markets still haven't recovered like the U.S. stock markets did. We did well once the worst of the Covid pandemic was over. Back-to-back 20%+ gains in 2023 and 2024 was a rare occurrence if you look at market history. How is that bad? No complaints from us.

Wife and I are diversified across several market areas, so any downturns were minimal anyway. Our worst fund was 11% gain, and the best gain was over 40%. I believe the old-time financial legends are correct about diversification. Limit risk.
America needs a deep recession to clobber rates. We’ve got to rewrite $9 trillion in stolen debt in the rest of 2025, and if we do it at market rates, we’re gonna be hurting.

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Hope the market keeps coming down. I have a lot of dry powder. Wish some extra hunting land would hit the market soon in my area too. When the news really starts pumping fear more for sale signs seem to pop up.
Hope the market keeps coming down. I have a lot of dry powder. Wish some extra hunting land would hit the market soon in my area too. When the news really starts pumping fear more for sale signs seem to pop up.
This can be a time to buy assets that are undervalued. The 2 best buys—a farm & a big buy on stocks—in my life were in times when the market was reeling.

Be ready …
I did buy some nvidia and pltr yesterday. It was hard to do, but I believe it is a good call.
This can be a time to buy assets that are undervalued. The 2 best buys—a farm & a big buy on stocks—in my life were in times when the market was reeling.

Be ready …
I believe that, however BBAI does not. Ouch.
I find it odd that falling markets, and likely possible recession, are now being seen as "positives" when politics are thrown into the mix. Real numbers don't care what "color" is in fashion on any given day. They just are what they are.

2 or 3 years ago, those same numbers / outlook were "doom & gloom" - "sky is falling" - but the tint of one's glasses somehow changes the perception of those very same numbers. Numbers are what numbers are ...... the tint of glasses doesn't change them.
I find it odd that falling markets, and likely possible recession, are now being seen as "positives" when politics are thrown into the mix. Real numbers don't care what "color" is in fashion on any given day. They just are what they are.

2 or 3 years ago, those same numbers / outlook were "doom & gloom" - "sky is falling" - but the tint of one's glasses somehow changes the perception of those very same numbers. Numbers are what numbers are ...... the tint of glasses doesn't change them.
That was my point the other day when you somehow brought Covid as an excuse (Covid was 2020)….Democrats had Trump “wrecking the market” & they were quiet in 2022 when we saw a recession and -22% drop !

Either way, each side is gonna cheer for their guy I guess.
Cookie tray might be coming back around in LMT. I’m holding out to get $5.00 for a 2 week put at the $445 strike. And if I can get my shares back, I’m not gonna sell a call for at least two weeks. Somebody has got to start getting some rain.


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Well SOFI is coming back the way it looks 'early today'.... some of these stocks do some wild things!
Anyone know why ZIM is down?

The way I read the earnings…….it should be zooming!
I don’t think any sector, stock or strategy is safe as long as we have these bombastic, nonsensical, unpredictable policies happening sometimes by the minute. I’d have a hard time jumping in to anything outside of just gambling with a couple bucks for a while. We had a pretty good cpi report and yet that wasn’t enough for the Dow to turn positive and the nasdaq is giving up its gains quickly. Canada just implemented more reciprocal tariffs which I’m sure the market doesn’t like cause they know there will be a response…or maybe not. Who knows.
Anyone know why ZIM is down?

The way I read the earnings…….it should be zooming!
I have a stock that beat earnings by something like 900% and they're now down from before the earnings came out.
That was my point the other day when you somehow brought Covid as an excuse (Covid was 2020)….Democrats had Trump “wrecking the market” & they were quiet in 2022 when we saw a recession and -22% drop !

Either way, each side is gonna cheer for their guy I guess.
Covid indeed started in 2020. But it didn't end in 2020, nor the global effects of the Covid pandemic. Many countries are still trying to dig out from the lingering financial / market effects of the global pandemic. If you look at market charts from other countries starting in 2020, they all go downward for the next 2 1/2 years - so it wasn't just the U.S. that had economic difficulties. It was a global shock - not a strictly U.S. / Biden-caused problem. That would have also been true if a Republican was in the White House during that same period. A global pandemic isn't red or blue - it is what it is - horrible. All kinds of professional market analysts said that the U.S. was in the best shape of any country as it shook off the economic effects of the Covid pandemic. Even the gloomy recession mongers finally admitted that the U.S. economy was in good shape. Even crabby, conservative, pro- business curmudgeon Larry Kudlow on CNBC admitted publicly that he was wrong when he said the U.S. economy was in a shambles. He said that our economy was "in pretty good shape" by all metrics. Kudlow's comment was in 2024.

Numbers are what the numbers are. My wish is that the 99% of the U.S. population that continues to struggle with economic security, despite working full-time - even at possibly 2 or 3 jobs - gets a better shake out of our U.S. economy. Saving & investing for our retirements require one thing - having enough disposable income left after paying bills - to do that investing. Too many folks - of any political party who work hard and dependably at their jobs - get screwed over by policies and paid-for laws that favor the 1%. Most of us on here do not fall into that top 1%. I also believe most of us on here don't need $$$$$ billions $$$$$ to live a decent, secure life. (Just a thought here ..... today's metric by financial analysts and certified financial planners for being able to have a decent, secure retirement - is to have accumulated $1.5 million of saved / invested money - in their entire lives. That's up from $1 million as stated in 2018.) Bezos made over $$$11 billion in one day recently. All his workers don't deserve to have their medical coverage paid for in full though - gotta have those out-of-pocket expenses and high deductibles paid by the peons. They didn't help build his companies - he did it all by himself.
I don’t think any sector, stock or strategy is safe as long as we have these bombastic, nonsensical, unpredictable policies happening sometimes by the minute. I’d have a hard time jumping in to anything outside of just gambling with a couple bucks for a while. We had a pretty good cpi report and yet that wasn’t enough for the Dow to turn positive and the nasdaq is giving up its gains quickly. Canada just implemented more reciprocal tariffs which I’m sure the market doesn’t like cause they know there will be a response…or maybe not. Who knows.
It depends on your time frame . If you are only worried about tomorrow or next week, do not invest in the stock market.

I buy for my retirement , these are good times to add quality companies. I think the most overlooked feature of the stock market is you become an owner of that company .