Stock Market is the bottom in?

I'm buying more COIN, NVDA, PLTR, and SOFI today. Maybe some quantum computing stocks if there's anything that seems good.

I'm keeping some cash off to the side and not touching my margin. But when the bottom hits and the upswing starts, I'm going to be pushing all my chips in. I might even go back to Europe for a few weeks just so the hours are more reasonable.

S&P tested 5700 again, so it might be the bottom. If it breaks below that, I'll definitely be nervous, but as long as it doesn't take more than 6 months to come back up, I won't worry too much.
I like Scott Bessent acknowledging this
“The market and the economy have just become hooked. We’ve become addicted to this government spending, and there’s going to be a detox period,” he added.
Oil stocks are looking more attractive. I’m retiring in 8-10 yrs, buy low.. send dividends later. !!
If you ever go to Seeking Alpha, an investment site.. good information on there . There are however, quite a few liberals that comment every day .

It’s always Trumps fault ! The sky is falling, he should be impeached . He’s killing the market !!

The market is down 7-8%. I remind them of Joe Biden -22% return in 2022. I also remind them that Trump has the best 4 year stretch of any President on the NASDAQ… 24% annual .

It’s fun to watch, but some of these people need serious counseling! What they portray is very crazy and dangerous at times.
Since Federal financial regulatory agencies are being gutted and de-funded (scary situation for any person - of any party), likelihood of behind-closed-doors market manipulation is much greater. If markets fall big-time, watch for the whales to pile in when they know what 99% of us don't / won't know.

De-funding / weakening the financial watchdog agencies in the past brought us things like the Enron fraud, the mortgage meltdown catastrophe, several bank collapses around the country, the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme / fraud, and before those - the Michael Milken & Ivan Boesky schemes / frauds of the 1980's.

Before anyone says, "Why talk about things & assign blame for things in the past - we're in 2025 now?" - - - - We're supposed to learn from the past / past mistakes. Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me. (for not learning from a first / past mistake)

"Those who don't learn from the past - are doomed to repeat it." That bit of wisdom has been around for a looooong time. Just sayin' .....
My APLD puts are doing well. I sold the first two at 27 cents, bought them back at 3 cents today. Those were $7 puts. I rewrote those two for another 2 weeks down the road, and reduced the strike to $6.50. Those went out at 32 cents.

Not huge dollars, but the percentages are wild at those rates. I don’t really want the shares, I’d rather just keep selling insurance (puts) and collect the 4% or so every two weeks.

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If you ever go to Seeking Alpha, an investment site.. good information on there . There are however, quite a few liberals that comment every day .

It’s always Trumps fault ! The sky is falling, he should be impeached . He’s killing the market !!

The market is down 7-8%. I remind them of Joe Biden -22% return in 2022. I also remind them that Trump has the best 4 year stretch of any President on the NASDAQ… 24% annual .

It’s fun to watch, but some of these people need serious counseling! What they portray is very crazy and dangerous at times.
The -22% you refer to was during the height of the Covid pandemic. No country on Earth did as well as the U.S. did in 2023 and 2024 as the whole planet struggled to climb back out of the Covid rut. 2023 and 2024 had markets gains of over 20% each year. That's a rarity to have back-to-back gains of 20%+. Lots of major bank CEO's, financial analysts, & brokers said, and I quote, "The U.S. economy is the envy of the world." Those comments were in 2024. So get your facts straight. I read financial info for 3 to 4 hours every day - from many sources - and the big boys were very happy about the "soft landing" that was experienced here in the U.S. "The envy of the world." (Their words).
The -22% you refer to was during the height of the Covid pandemic. No country on Earth did as well as the U.S. did in 2023 and 2024 as the whole planet struggled to climb back out of the Covid rut. 2023 and 2024 had markets gains of over 20% each year. That's a rarity to have back-to-back gains of 20%+. Lots of major bank CEO's, financial analysts, & brokers said, and I quote, "The U.S. economy is the envy of the world." Those comments were in 2024. So get your facts straight. I read financial info for 3 to 4 hours every day - from many sources - and the big boys were very happy about the "soft landing" that was experienced here in the U.S. "The envy of the world." (Their words).
So you are making excuses for Biden ?
Working from home? Dumping Trillions of dollars into our economy to keep it afloat probably had something to do with the numbers?
During the global Covid pandemic, with most businesses shut down, it was either do that - or sink the whole economy. Remember, in our lifetimes, there was never a global pandemic that shook the whole world like Covid did. Extraordinary situation required extraordinary measures to keep people fed and in their homes. Most countries have still not come out of the Covid funk as well as the U.S. did.

How would any of you here have saved the millions of U.S. citizens from losing their homes and going hungry during the Covid pandemic??? It's easy to throw out knee-jerk, broad-brush boisterous statements - but would those have kept the U.S. afloat in time of crisis?? Other countries of the world wished they dealt with the market ramifications - and came out in pretty good shape - like the U.S. did. Inflation went from 9.6% down to 2.7% in 2023 / 2024. U.S. stock markets had 20%+ gains in 2023 and 2024. Give us explicit explanation of why that's bad, please.

Not angry or pissing contest here ...... just conversation. I like your posts on all threads, J.
So you are making excuses for Biden ?
Just pointing out the facts, friend. The global Covid pandemic was an unprecedented, extraordinary event in our history. No country on Earth fared as well as the U.S. did during and coming out of Covid. My info comes from financial sources like the WSJ, Barrons, Forbes, IBD, Kiplinger, Bloomberg, etc. - none of which are liberal at all - but rather conservative and favoring the business community. If their analysis together all said that the U.S. economy was in good shape after enduring the global Covid pandemic - I think we have a consensus in the financial community. I go with numbers-people, not raging talking heads on TV that have an obvious political agenda.
Just pointing out the facts, friend. The global Covid pandemic was an unprecedented, extraordinary event in our history. No country on Earth fared as well as the U.S. did during and coming out of Covid. My info comes from financial sources like the WSJ, Barrons, Forbes, IBD, Kiplinger, Bloomberg, etc. - none of which are liberal at all - but rather conservative and favoring the business community. If their analysis together all said that the U.S. economy was in good shape after enduring the global Covid pandemic - I think we have a consensus in the financial community. I go with numbers-people, not raging talking heads on TV that have an obvious political agenda.
I was referring to the stock market. There are a bunch of liberals on the investment site (Seeking Alpha) that post stuff like “Trump has been a disaster for the stock market “ & “I made more $$ under Biden” .

I post the “facts” like you just posted in your first sentence. Trump exceeded Biden stock market . He exceeded his economic metrics as well (with the exception of the last 8-9 months of Covid actual shutdown and forced unemployment).

My point was they were wrong & blowing up at Trump for a 7-8% drop, but never said a word when Biden had a -22% drop . Is it possible we see a bigger drop, of course . Let’s see how the Dow/NASDAQ look on December 31, 2025!
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I really stay away from articles about stocks to buy, and organized stock sites with user forums. I think that’s a shady venue for pumping and dumping garbage stocks. I’ve shoveled lots of money into the abyss on recs I paid for at Motley Fool.

I think we’re getting to the back end of the boom. There’s a ton of exuberance for stocks with nothing behind them, and the swings are starting to get wild. There are also no bears. That’s when you know there are also no more buyers. We’re probably gonna have to get back to looking for catalysts again.

I think the future is bright for the war sector. I lost my LMT shares yesterday because the crap shot up 11% in two weeks.


The future is bright in the Middle East especially. In Lebanon alone there are 2x the people as Palestine and half the density. Syria is 25x bigger than Lebanon. It’ll take at least $8 Trillion (with a T) to make those countries safe. The sabres are rattling in both countries and it’s just a matter of time before they both pop off in a big way. We’ll probably use Turkey to come into Syria from the north too. This is gonna be big.

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A small stock call STSS is sure blowing up.
So far trumps put on a masterclass in how to tank the stock market. Hopefully there’s a turnaround in store soon
We're just having the monthly end of the world scare. Buy the dips. jmo
We're just having the monthly end of the world scare. Buy the dips. jmo
Wish I had some free money but i got caught with my pants down and I guess need to ride it out now. What do you guys do? Take the loss and hope it goes down more and rebuy or just ride it out?
Wish I had some free money but i got caught with my pants down and I guess need to ride it out now. What do you guys do? Take the loss and hope it goes down more and rebuy or just ride it out?
Depends really on what situation you are in. I'm not selling anything right now for a loss, planning on things coming back. Personally I do think the market is reacting way too much to things in play right now. Lot's of panic. Ultimately it's your call on if you think your stocks are going to get back to "normal". jmo