Stock Market is the bottom in?

The Nasdaq is now positive for the year. That is incredible, the confidence in our economy and it its future is second to none.
The Nasdaq is now positive for the year. That is incredible, the confidence in our economy and it its future is second to none.
Even crazier that it’s doing that while the country is facing depression era unemployment.
The Nasdaq is now positive for the year. That is incredible, the confidence in our economy and it its future is second to none.
I been buying all I can afford too... Only one that has really bit me was UAVS. Good for nothing shysters
It makes zero sense to me. The worse the news gets the more the market goes up. That bubble has got to pop one of these days.
The market is reacting to the fact that states and business' are starting to open, people will have the opportunity to go back to work, and the economic engine will begin again.

Pretty sure the markets are also concluding that the "hair on fire, world is gonna end" news has been over played and politically driven. We have close to 12,500 hospital beds in Wisconsin and ~350 covid patients in them. Wisconsin spent $24 million to put up an additional 600 bed overflow hospital at State Fair park, plus 100's more overflow beds in Madison, so far none of those beds have been used.

You can only cry wolf for so long ...
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There was a guy on Satellite radio that claimed the shortage could last for awhile. He said the cold storage is a myth. It’s only one week of meat supply for the US.

China is short on pork as well. I see prices going up later in the summer. Beef might really jump.
I'm sure there are trickledown sides to this, but my freezer is full of pork and chicken, I have some beef, but I can get all the red meat I want in the next 3 days if I need to.
See post #121 Bwoods11

Market betting on future..... last months data just now released has been factored in

The Nasdaq is now positive for the year. That is incredible, the confidence in our economy and it its future is second to none.

I can't believe it has rebounded so much. I'm still bearish on the market. I keep thinking people are out of their minds, but maybe I'm the one who's wrong.
It makes zero sense to me. The worse the news gets the more the market goes up. That bubble has got to pop one of these days.

That's what I keep thinking.
I can't believe it has rebounded so much. I'm still bearish on the market. I keep thinking people are out of their minds, but maybe I'm the one who's wrong.

Yep, crazy. It's odd there is so much faith in the future with so much unknown with the economic rebound, or lack there of.
There is no place else to put the money and there is trillions of it out there. With interest rates around zero investors don’t really have an attractive choice other than stocks. I got out when the drop started and back in through April. Still have 1/3 in cash waiting for the next drop that never happened. I am ahead doing it the way I did it but I am in different stocks and if I could do it over would have stayed the course. Now if oil, gas, and Disney go back to 12 month highs it will be a home run. Two of my holdings I got out of are at or near all time highs so that hurts a tad.
Transferred some more funds to buy some bank stocks Mon. Many are still at 50% of the 52wk high. Still paying that dividend. For now anyway. Got my eye on Wells Fargo, citigroup, bank of america, & synchrony.

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I’m not all in yet. This makes no sense to me either. We haven’t gotten to 2nd qtr losses yet. I guess it’s priced in but it’s going to be ugly.

hopefully in 5 to 10 years late March of CV was a great time to buy.
Between lowered interest rates allowing people to stuff all their consumer debt into their mortgage again and washington emailing us a fresh ten trillion in new dollars, it won't take more than a few transactions for all that money to end up in the hands of the companies of the S&P 500.

That is unless Americans become savers again. Once the fear of 'the end of the world as we know it' passes, it's gonna be balls out insanity to blow that money as fast as possible. Once the governors are done killing off small business America, the 'rona will vanish from the headlines and we'll sail past the old highs as those dollars are consolidated into the sectors that were chosen to survive.
Still buying!
Bought AB (BUD) & Berkshire Hathaway yesterday. Hoping if I throw enough mud at the wall something is bound to stick
Still buying!
Bought AB (BUD) & Berkshire Hathaway yesterday. Hoping if I throw enough mud at the wall something is bound to stick

I jumped on that BUD bandwagon as well. Just imagine if it returns to previous numbers

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