Well it’s Wednesday, Anybody think stocks are getting ahead of themselves?
It depends. And I'm not sure what it depends on. From a fundamental point of view (and, yes it's my point of view), markets have been way ahead of themselves for the last two or three years, running on cheap money. Let's leave that right there. What I've learned in my old age is fundamentals don't matter - let me take that back, the risks that we take in the stock market seem disconnected from what one might perceive as a traditional interpretation.
If there's a lot of money looking for a return, then money is piling into a stock. Money piling into a stock means only a bunch of things! Well you know, prices go up. But, we forget what goes up must come down. Traders take profits, people rationalize their decisions.
Big leap now. As the market bounced off the bottom a couple days ago a friend asked if she should buy more Proctor & Gamble. I guess it depends what you think is coming. I've been studying recessions (and depressions). Hey, what else is there to do?
I think a stock's price behavior over a long period is informative. PG has a long history. It's chart is below.The orange bars are recessions. Recessions are lagging. Stock market prices are leading. So, there something to be learned by studying price behavior. And, look, the rest of the market looks a lot like this.
Long story short, in the last three recessions, from the high before the recession to the low during the recession the PG price swing was down around 40%.
Before it tanked recently it was around $130. In a few short days it went down to 96. That's a quick drop of 34%. The bottom? Personally, I don't think so. But, you might have concluded that when you read I was brushing up on recessions and depressions...just in case. IF IF IF you are recession minded then the whole market might be off 40% to 50%. Look at the DJI late 2007. I think it was around 14,000. By mid to late 2008 it was just north of 6,000 (somebody fact check that).
I think my point is, in the 11 year bull market we've been conditioned to buy the dips. What we are seeing now is that practiced response, but there's a chance the DJI is heading for 16,800 and the S&P less than 2000. A chance. Will it? If i knew, I'd be rich.