Stock Market is the bottom in?

Hope ups is feeling the pain from bending over for the union. Every quarter since the deal has been a disappointment. I’m sensing a trend.
From big to bigger if it was anything like when we owned in Polk County. We sold in 2008 and were paying over $1000/yr for 80 acres with about 50 of it swamp. Conversely, we are paying $160/yr for 100 acres in MO that generates almost $6,000/yr in income.
A thumbs up there, we are getting $13,000 cash rent on 107 acres and the property taxes are $264 in Missouri !

That is a bargain !
A thumbs up there, we are getting $13,000 cash rent on 107 acres and the property taxes are $264 in Missouri !

That is a bargain !
Damn I pay almost $700/year for 12 acres in PA. And mine is in a cheap county. Once I get it in clean and green it'll be a fraction of that though.
A thumbs up there, we are getting $13,000 cash rent on 107 acres and the property taxes are $264 in Missouri !

That is a bargain !

And you killed a 150" on one of your first days on it!!!
Nice dip on MSFT today. Same with UPS but don't know which direction UPS is gonna go short term. Pretty sure MSFT will bounce back quickly. jmo
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Without looking, I’d think UPS exiting their business with Amazon would be a good deal. That whorehouse business with monopoly power can be cutthroat, and with the cost of capital what it is, good riddance.

Focus on the higher margin services and reorg around it.

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I would think amazon would suffer more than UPS. UPS can find deliveries but amazon may not be able to find someone to fill the void in deliveries?
Amazon is doing more of there own deliveries, even in the rural areas here. They have a distribution warehouse at the airport in Appleton and I'm amazed at the number of electric delivery vans they have there.
Amazon is doing more of there own deliveries, even in the rural areas here. They have a distribution warehouse at the airport in Appleton and I'm amazed at the number of electric delivery vans they have there.
Then I would think amazon will not suffer losing UPS. Eliminate the middle man and keep it in house. I have seen some amazon vans delivering on sundays which surprised me. The extra day of deliveries is smart on their part.
Not sure if it's a trend or not, but living in a suburban neighborhood, I see one or two UPS trucks per day, two or three FedEx, and several Amazon vans. The Amazon drivers are in and out of here a LOT.
I know I get a lot of amazon deliveries. I don't think it's been by an amazon truck yet. I'm out in the sticks. See mostly fed ex around here.
I sold some UPS after they signed a huge contract to bump up wages . Which is fine, but I knew it would cut into profits

I wish I would have sold all of it .
I sold some UPS after they signed a huge contract to bump up wages . Which is fine, but I knew it would cut into profits

I wish I would have sold all of it .
I bought some MSFT and some UPS today while they were both down about $23 a share trying to make a few bucks on the rebound. Probably keep MSFT for long term and undecided on UPS. Hoping for a bounce up anyway. INTC has me nervous but I still have hope for them to make a come back. INTC reports earnings today. See what happens.
BRK/A is at $710,194 a share today. My brain can't handle numbers like that.
I see Amazon and UPS as different businesses. FedEx went around with amazon on this years back and also chose to pare down if not exit altogether, their business with Amazon. I'd rather see them focus on shipping things that matter for good margin and get out of that $12 crap deliveries business. Amazon isn't out of the woods delivering their own stuff either. If you pay really close attention, you'll very rarely see the same drivers on the same routes, so I'd imagine those services are hanging on by a thread.
A bloodbath of a week with Nvidia and UPS. I have my reasons why I think both drops are too extreme, but I might be labelled as crazy.

Nvidia: Industry still needs their chips
UPS: Eliminating a losing aspect of your business model...that's what is needed to increase profits and margins.
A bloodbath of a week with Nvidia and UPS. I have my reasons why I think both drops are too extreme, but I might be labelled as crazy.

Nvidia: Industry still needs their chips
UPS: Eliminating a losing aspect of your business model...that's what is needed to increase profits and margins.
Ups and downs in the market are swinging way too far both ways due to market manipulation in my opinion. Lots of new investors going and buying stocks based on the latest "trust me bro". I buy most stocks based on what I think the people's reaction to the market news will be. Logic doesn't apply most of the time with stocks lately. CRAZY
A bloodbath of a week with Nvidia and UPS. I have my reasons why I think both drops are too extreme, but I might be labelled as crazy.

Nvidia: Industry still needs their chips
UPS: Eliminating a losing aspect of your business model...that's what is needed to increase profits and margins.
lol i bought both this week. Which surely means they will tank
Ups and downs in the market are swinging way too far both ways due to market manipulation in my opinion. Lots of new investors going and buying stocks based on the latest "trust me bro". I buy most stocks based on what I think the people's reaction to the market news will be. Logic doesn't apply most of the time with stocks lately. CRAZY

The concern I have is how propped up is the market? I.e. is reality going to hit and the market be in for a massive correction this year? I don't know. But, what does it correct to...I mean, how many trillions of dollars did we print off 4 years ago?
I think if Trump can shrink our government we do great. Nothing compares to how wasteful our government is. Keeping our own government from bankrupting our country should be a top priority. They keep spending like a wife who has her husbands credit card for the day like it's a challenge to spend more each day than they did the day before. Cut up the governments credit cards and give them an allowance for god sake. jmo