Stock Market is the bottom in?

The lack of AI investing puts AAPL back at the top for today. The more a company is invested the more the stock price dropped all based on China with their DEEPSEEK claims.
I could be all wet about this but what major company is going to buy a Chinese chip for AI instead of NVDA? Doesn’t matter how cheap it is if you have problems making it work. I’m not taking the chance of my company’s success by buying something that may not work. Wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

I’m also not sending my data into the Chinese thiefdom so they can steal it for themselves. Also wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

Is Blackwell shipping yet? That’s going to help. Also earnings in February I think. GTC conference in March with announcements.
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Im so far from an expert on tech that im closer to being a caveman but my understanding is being an open source model it’s about users and not the selling of a chip. Nvda is a chipmaker for ai platforms. Deepfake was the number one downloaded app on Apple this weekend, which shows how dumb we are as a country. We will hand over our info to a bunch of communists in return for something we can get elsewhere that’s theoretically safer.
With nvda I don’t trust Jensen Haung. He’s probably in bed with the commies. Bloods thicker than water.
The Chinese wait for everyone else to spend all of the money and do all of the R&D and then they just copy/steal the finished product. They let everyone else burn money in development. They will never be first in tech but they will steal it in record time without having to get back much money before they can be profitable. Dirty and illegal but it's been working for them for decades already.
I truly don’t know tech. My wife is in the business and I ran all this by her and she didn’t laugh at me so that’s a good sign. Honestly I don’t think anyone can predict what’s next, especially a bozo like me.

I agree that people are so dumb. Falling over themselves to replace tic toc with an even worse chicom app is predictable behavior for addicts.

IDK about Jensen. I feel like it’s in his interest to beat the pants off of China.
I truly don’t know tech. My wife is in the business and I ran all this by her and she didn’t laugh at me so that’s a good sign. Honestly I don’t think anyone can predict what’s next, especially a bozo like me.

I agree that people are so dumb. Falling over themselves to replace tic toc with an even worse chicom app is so scary.

IDK about Jensen. I feel like it’s in his interest to beat the pants off of China.
Only reason I say that is he’s from Taiwan. Half those folks consider themselves Chinese and the Chinese are fiercely loyal to their government
The Taiwan situation (not just with Jensen) is another way a speculative investor could lose a boatload of cash with tech.
They have a choice. Be loyal or be dead. I see Costco doubled down on sticking with D.E.I. They had Al Sharpton giving a big pep speech in one of their stores. Not a good look for Costco.
Microsoft is interested in buying tik tok.
So was/is Oracle and they took it in the shorts yesterday.
Apples and Oranges. jmo
I put in some sell orders on PLTR and stop loss orders on SOFI. I'm wasn't working this weekend or the first half of this week. There was a whisky festival, and then I flew to Vietnam for Tet. I need to log on to Fidelity and see what happened. Hopefully time to go shopping soon.


They have a choice. Be loyal or be dead. I see Costco doubled down on sticking with D.E.I. They had Al Sharpton giving a big pep speech in one of their stores. Not a good look for Costco.
I wish I had bought Costco stock back in the $400 range, unfortunately passed !

When I saw Al Sharpton there I crossed it off my radar.
The days when these stocks blow downward, especially off all time highs, can be a good time to set some puts to acquire them if they hit.

For example, NVDA has fallen $25/share to $117. Let’s pretend I’m not comfortable buying it at todays reduced price. What I can do is sell the feb 14th $95 put for $1.20/share. If it hits in the next two weeks, I get my shares at a 19% discount from todays already 18% discounted shares.


If it doesn’t hit, I earn a fat 33% income rate on those funds for those couple weeks.

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I really appreciate these posts. I don't understand these strategies so I read them carefully and I hope it will click one day.
They have a choice. Be loyal or be dead. I see Costco doubled down on sticking with D.E.I. They had Al Sharpton giving a big pep speech in one of their stores. Not a good look for Costco.

Just to be clear Costco did not double down on DEI. Their "shareholders" did. Costco is primarily owned by "institutions" like Blackrock and Vanguard. They recently sent out voting materials on whether or not to keep DEI. Apparently the "shareholders" voted to keep it. Blackrock and Vanguard voted to keep DEI at Costco. I own 24 shares of COST and I don't bother to vote cause the "institutions" will just do whatever they want. My vote just doesn't matter.

Screenshot 2025-01-28 102612.jpg
I wish I had bought Costco stock back in the $400 range, unfortunately passed !

When I saw Al Sharpton there I crossed it off my radar.
You might be able to get it at $400 again. Have to see just how far their politics drive down the share price. jmo
Big war went on sale today. I'm bullish on this the way the administration is filling up with those that will shovel the loot to these guys.

I put a big sucker on a bait caster and flung it into the water.

Here comes nvda back up…