5 year old buck +
For all those who claim to be "Christians" out there ...... What is the measure of a man in God's eyes?? How much money he accrues - or how he treats others??You’re never going to get it. This is America, you can work where you want, may have to move but you can. Or you can hire who you want for a wage “they” accept. I never once held a gun to someone and forced them to take a job I had.
I don’t have a helicopter, plane, bunker etc. but I’m happy for the guy or gal that does, good for them. Gives the rest of us something to look up to,
If one's goal is to become extravagantly rich, and accomplishing it by making others' (employees) lives harder (low pay, making them pay for medical insurance, not paying overtime when it's legally called for, etc. - a common practice in many businesses) ......... when the employer has the financial capability to treat employees better / fairer ------ how does that greedy behavior compare with God's teachings??? As I recall, Scripture doesn't teach, "Make all the money you can, using any and all tactics. Cheating your fellow man / woman is OK, even if they can barely make it in life ------ just be sure you rack up huge sums of money. After all .......... your bank account is what matters most to God."
As you said above - - "Look up to ultra-rich people as examples??" (as opposed to what God teaches??) No thanks.
For Christians - Jesus didn't teach "business school", bottom line / profits / piling up riches - He taught treating your fellow man like we'd like to be treated ourselves. My earlier examples illustrated that ... it CAN be done, and those owners still were very well-off.
The kind of greed shown by some who are wealthy beyond most people's comprehension ........ You're right ------ I'll never get that.