Spring forward Monday :(


Who's idea was this spring forward thing anyway :emoji_sleeping:

It's all fun in the fall, but this one $ucks.
I agree - I made a FB post about it this morning while I was stuck. Mondays suck enough as it is, but then to have to get up an hour sooner, is like a kick in the nads first thing in the am. I then got stuck by a train for 15 minutes on my way to work!!! I thought real hard about turning around and going back home!

A particular someone.....a member here......told me to quit my crying.....yep, real supportive Jordan!!!:emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Well it's just getting better and better.....it's snowing here now.....:emoji_sob: I guess I'll just throw a pity party!!!!
Well it's just getting better and better.....it's snowing here now.....:emoji_sob: I guess I'll just throw a pity party!!!!

6 to 12 coming down here tonight. Well that's what the TV says. That means anything from a dusting to 4 feet.
6 to 12 coming down here tonight. Well that's what the TV says. That means anything from a dusting to 4 feet.
It's been coming down here since about noon and you can still see a lot of grass, so I don't suspect we will see much actual accumulation.

At lunch I texted my wife:
"Hey baby, I'm forecasting 6 to 8 inches tonight....you ready.....what do you think about that?"

Her response:
"I saw the news - so you ain't talking about snow."
then a pause and a second text form her:
"So who is coming over?"

I can't put on here what I replied......she just knows how to play dirty is all I am going to say! Man, women can be ruthless.....