These were shot with a Nikon D800 with a 70-200 2.8 lens that has a 1.4 extender on it. It helps that my blind is only 10-15 feet away from them. They do hear the shutter going off most of the time, but don't know what it is. The best part is when you get 10 plus drakes and only 1 or 2 hens around. The start fighting so much that they don't even care I am right there. This is what you do with all you surplus corn you grow in the fall...You feed it back to them and make them work for it.
yep that's the lens. I bought it the second it came out. It was my first prime lens. The quality of my images shot thru the roof! Buying the 300 (2.8) VRII in July. Can't imagine how good flushing Rooster Pheasants will look with that.
I shoot just occasionally and have a lot to learn. I can't afford to make the leap to a lense like that yet but would love to get a lense with a bigger ap.
I crap camera will take a better image with a prime lens than a top of the line camera and a crap lens. Yes there are exceptions, but generally your lens "UNDER GOOD LIGHTING CONDITIONS" will outperform your camera. I used to shoot occasionally until I had to start selling work to finance my expensive hobby!