spraying RR soybeans

Mr. Jack,
Was the stand of pines where the marestail outbreak originated an old field or was it previously in timber?

I don't know for sure what it was long ago, but I doubt it was a field. It was owned by a timber company and planted in pines when we got it. Generally, they don't plant pines on land that will economically support crops. It is not at all surprising to me. Anytime land is clear cut, there are lots of weeds in that early successional stage whether planted or not. Most herbicides used on pine stands are intended to remove competing hardwoods, not herbaceous plants. So, having marestail in the seed bank is not surprising. With the pines thinned and a controlled burn allowing light into the floor and suppressing competing hardwoods, the marestail took off.


That seems high? Co-op told me they do 1qt/acre

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Label says 1 to 3 qt an acre. I was reading on fb lately where guys were using and recommending 5 qt. The most you are supposed to apply a year in total is i believe 8 qt.
3 weeks since planting and definitely time to spray. Weeds and grass were beginning to show their face. Beans came in a bit thin but that's another story.