Spray and Mow or Mow and Spray


5 year old buck +

This field is full of volunteer brown top millet. I want to kill it all. Would you spray and then mow or mow and let it come back and spray a couple weeks after mowing
When it comes to my property I don't have a ton of time to try different things. I'm not even sure how to say this without sounding stupid... My place is far enough away from home that I try to ensure what I'm doing gets "done" when I have the chance (meaning - it works but it might be a bit overboard). So others may disagree with my strategy here because of the negatives of spraying but if I were in your shoes, I would:

1. Day 0 - Spray now.
2. Day 7 - Do nothing. Wait another week (depends on your luck - if you feel unlucky, meaning that you feel like your your first spray didn't work you could skip to step 3.)
3. Day 14 - Spray again (this might be more of spot treatments where things are still green). If you feel lucky, you could do step 3 and step 5 here (but you might still have some undesirables).
4. Day 21 - Do nothing. Wait another week.
5. Day 28 - Seed/fert/lime as necessary. I would also mow the dead stuff to help cover some of your seed. If you have a rake of some kind you could lightly rake before mowing to help get your seed down again closer to the soil. Remember when broadcasting (T&M) you need to go heavier on seed than if you were drilling it in.

This method works/worked for me. My field is MUCH smaller than yours:
The pic on the left, was 2 weeks after my first spray. You can still see some stubborn green spots that I re-sprayed just those spots and moved right onto step 5.

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I'd spray first, but either will will likely work just fine. The only reasons I could see for mowing first are: 1 - veg so thick you're afraid the bottom stuff won't get sprayed, 2 - much of the veg is mature and you're afraid the leafs are too waxy to absorb the spray. In my experience neither is much of a concern.
My end intentions are not throw n mow.
So, I sprayed my house food plot. 1/3 acre 20oz of 41% gly with a few ounces of surfacant and a half coffee cup of AMS 21% pellets.. Has dead rye in it, clover, tons of plantain, red aramath, and i think bedstraw.

Sprayed on saturday around 1pm, spreading and mowing monday afternoon too soon?

Spreading Rye and clover with a little turnips wheat and oats. Likely spray dead in the spring and do buckwheat or oats. Thinking plantain is a little out of hand. Pics were a few hours after spraying.

Not using this spot to hunt for a year or two, just giving the guys some good winter forage while the Herd heals from a EHD outbreak. Starting to reguarly see deer in the morning on my road again. 4 or 5, usually see 12-20 before EHD.


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