So.....I have this idea for MDDI or Habitat Talk.....


5 year old buck +
What about a "first annual" walleye fishing trip to Lake of the Woods? Seems to me that we could gather up for three nights and two days of fishing and get to know one another and have some fun. Maybe some good ideas could come of it.....or maybe we just have fun and fish? Could be another venue.....but LOTW produces in later summer and likely would be easy for many to attend.

What say you? I can ask about a group rate when I am Sportsmans Lodge this week. It could be done in Sept this year.....or perhaps next year in late July or August would be easy on the bow hunters, etc.

Just fishing for ideas here. (I don't want to be an event planner.....but these resorts make it pretty easy - six guys to a boat....yadda yadda).
I'd be in if I could convince the wife it actually had something to do with making progress on deer hunting/deer management :rolleyes:
A few guys sitting around shooting the chit about deer hunting and having a few brews. That's all it would take for me, no more convincing needed.
I'm in. Get it scheduled Foggy. No tornados please. I have a boat will fish 4. Be fun if some other states joined as well. Hotels may be cheaper than resort for some but get us the rates for where you are going.
Coupla different venues here....between taking your own boat and fishing on the resort boats. I will check it out and maybe there is a way to do an either / or. More details to follow.

If your looking for more info....check: Sportsmans lodge, baudette mn get some ideas of what is there. There are other resorts.....but they are representative of the good ones for food / lodging / fishing.

Maybe Sandbur could give lessons on the rain dance while were there?
When they were whacking the travel and meeting budget at my old job, I kept telling my boss it was a mistake. The most valuable parts of a meeting start after 6 pm in the bar. That's when the people that actually know what they're talking about get the platform and can speak freely.
I would agree SD! Just witnessed this about a month ago at a business diner that we got invited to by a supplier that screwed us over. They wanted to find out what they could do to make amends since we had quit purchasing from them a while back and they were apparently feeling the pinch. They even brought their national sales manager in from TN. By the end of the night, which was way to late and too many Stella's and Glenlivet's later to be functional at work the next morning at 6am, we had them talked into going back to corporate and discussing the option of letting us stock an inventory of their items in the shop for on the spot use instead of having to order and wait for delivery. We have a meeting set up in a few weeks to further discuss the terms if such an agreement were to be put into affect. It is when the big boys get to brass tacks!
My whole theory is that when you remove the formality of a presentation in a conference room in front of HR, people that impact your ability to advance, and those looking to cut you down, you allow people to naturally gravitate to opinion leaders and mentors that willingly share what actually works. You can also discuss tons of small topics that don't merit a phone call, email, or posting on HT. For example, I figured out how to correct boron deficiency today in an easy and cheap way. Probably could have gotten the answer from half the guys on this site a year ago had I just asked.

But if I'm sitting next to MoSeedSeller at the bar, I could simply say to him, "I have no idea how to apply 2lbs of boron per acre nor where to get it."
Did you end up going to your local laundry detergent aisle?;)
It is really funny that it is just that simple!
Back to the fishing trip/deer much is a non-res license in MN? Do they have like a 5 day license or something like that?

Ah, found it, $32 for a 3 day(72hr) license.

The 8 hour drive to LOTW might be a deal breaker though.:eek:
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I am going to border view lodge labor day weekend for the third year in a row this year with a group. It's quite the time, usually talk smart and solve the world's problems but we can't remember our solutions by the time Monday morning comes around.

If I told my wife it is official deer business I might be able to pull off 2 trips next year but maybe not....
Non-res is $46.00. They have 5 and 7 day licenses for a bit cheaper. I think around $30.00.
Maybe Dipper could bring the yacht and bikinis?
I believe each person could take abou
Maybe Dipper could bring the yacht and bikinis?

Riiiiiiight. ;)
I'm gonna imagine that a three night / two day fishing "all inclusive" with sharing a room with another guy would run about $500 or more. Not sure......but you can bet I will get some details in the next day or three......and report back an estimated expense. I think you could bring six wallets and two sauger home over a two day period. They run some kinda guarantee about getting this amount of fish.

Night fishing does not work up north. So we are limited to a big meal and nightly conversations about deer and such. I imagine that some beer would be involved. :)
Night fishing does not work up north. So we are limited to a big meal and nightly conversations about deer and such. I imagine that some beer would be involved. :)

That sums up pretty much every one of my 25 or so trips up to the big pond......
I may be in for next year if we plan it early enough. Would love to meet some more of you guys from here.
If you guys are still doing this someday when I retire, I would love to come up and do it. That is if you could stand being around me....;)

Going fishing up north would be great.

Going fishing up north with people who knew what they were doing - priceless!
If you guys are still doing this someday when I retire, I would love to come up and do it. That is if you could stand being around me....;)

Going fishing up north would be great.

Going fishing up north with people who knew what they were doing - priceless!

That last statement might be pretty questionable! You better find another group.;)